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RE: What Is In A Vial Of Vaccine?

in #health7 years ago

I take at least 2 days off Steemit so I won't burn out@mistermercury, you have one more grandchild than I do...hahaha

I love the people who comment on my page and engage me, you are one of the best commenters that have visited my blog! My mom thought I was autistic as well but the Doctor told her I wasn't close...This was back in the early 60s. I sympathize with the autistic community because of that. I can focus to the point of blocking out the world, which drove my Mom batty...hahaha

If vaccines didn't have such harsh chemicals I wouldn't be as concerned even though once I started digging into how the immune system works vaccines don't make any sense to me...I hope your daughter can at least make informed choices. Right now the world is very ignorant about vaccines and trust the government overseers too much!


Can they make vaccines without harsh ingredients?

Yes they can @victoriacalloway, I will write an article about this issue. The harsh chemicals are supposed to wake up our immune system but what they really are doing is destroying our's like bombing a village to kill one terrorist.

But as my article stated, the scientist still do not understand our immune system and vaccines are primitive and may not be needed once we have destroyed poverty, war, and famine.

But as my article stated, the scientist still do not understand our immune system and vaccines are primitive

Can you remind me what branch of science you hold a degree in?


I will not continue this discussion, you did not address my argument regarding vaccines are dangerous and you have made an appeal to authority. Court vaccine injury cases do not need a degree to understand...if you take this reasoning to its end only people with degrees will be able to make decisions for me regarding the choices I make for my body, my life, and my families life.

You used the words "scientists do not understand" regarding vaccines and that they are "primitive", this is a medical technology that has saved billions (yes billions) of lives.

So I was wondering what qualified you to make that statement, I thought perhaps you had a chemistry, or biology degree, and could tell me exactly why they had got it so wrong (whilst saving lots of lives).

Of course there are dangers, there have been people who have died taking aspirin, or certain types of painkiller. There are people who die from eating nuts each year, this is not evidence of how dangerous these things are, neither are court cases that successfully sue painkiller manufacturers or peanut farmers..

The only thing that is an indication of how dangerous they are, is the results from multiple studies, which compares the amount of vaccinations to amount of deaths. Every single one of these studies, disagrees with your point of view, in a way that is impossible to argue with because they use mass data and look at the bigger picture.

Usually I would ignore articles like this, but in my mind they are dangerous, because you use facts that aren't necessarily connected to your point, and also complete falsehoods like; "...countries have banned this vaccine."

I respect you not wanting to speak to me any more, I just hope in some small way I've at least made you consider the tiny possibility that the overwhelming evidence, proves you wrong.


Yes, I was pretty fried. Had been going at this for about 6 weeks. And I ain't the spring chicken I once was. Now I'm a big old chicken! Indeed, I can see you've retained the capacity for focus. A nice gift to have.

Our family is particularly sensitive to all chemicals and toxins. My sister was actually a near-bubble person. Was extremely sensitive. This alarms me when I consider the grandkids. I myself am actually very ill from toxins. I think I shared this. Such a pain.

Oh, and my son got a tetnus shot as a 15 year old. Literally the next day he developed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. No kidding.

Many blessings.

I think our body has the ability to clean up toxins once it isn't being bombed 24/7....I think the gut is the key to healing our immune system along with understanding epigenetics. I will be exploring both when my writing and research skills improve. Both are complicated subjects and very new to modern science.

Never give up and I hope all of us can find health together.