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RE: How to fix hair loss (male pattern baldness)

in #health6 years ago (edited)

Capilatis Ortiga is a highly effective line of anti hair loss shampoos available here in Argentina. The active ingredient is an extract of a nettle, called Ortiga in Castellano, or Urtica in English

I will say from personal experience it really works.

Prior to moving to Argentina some years ago, I used the Nioxin shampo sold in the US, and that was also effective, but not as effective as the Capilatis Ortiga.

At any rate, I'm 59 and if you care enough to go to my blog and look at my Introduce Yourself post, you can see some pictures of me with a full head of hair. I don't even have a bald spot in the back yet, though I suspect that will inevitably come in time.

I saw above about bad side effects from taking DHT reducers, but I'd suggest there's a difference between eating the stuff, and applying it directly to your scalp.


Urtica is a genus of flowering plants in the family Urticaceae. Many species have stinging hairs and may be called nettles or stinging nettles, although the latter name applies particularly to Urtica dioica.
Urtica species are food for the caterpillars of numerous Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), such as the tortrix moth Syricoris lacunana and several Nymphalidae, such as Vanessa atalanta, one of the red admiral butterflies.

Yes, I included this method in the post! (Stinging Nettle Seed.) Yes I'll have a look at your blog brother. Haha I'm still in my 20's, but I'm glad we can both enjoy a full head of hair for now!!! :)

I have noticed a lot of younger guys, in your generation, that seem to be losing their hair very early. I suspect it has to be environmental, it has to be something in the air or the water or whatever. I hate to go off on crazy conspiracy theories, (which doesn't stop me from doing so on a fairly regular basis), but there has to be some explanation for why a whole generation of young men are suffering premature hair loss.

Haha yea stress related? I feel like as global warming and impending political and economic upheaval bear down on us, there is a universal sense of fear and stress. Compared to the 60's or the 90's when everything seemed optimistic, South Africa was freed from apartheid, technology was going to save us etc.