Are all the mosquitoes malaria vectors?

in #health5 years ago


Hello fellow steemians! Good pm from Nigeria am @sanctuspierre and i want us to share this idea tonight.
What are the major causes of malaria, does it mean that all the mosquitoes cause malaria? We shall deflect the truth as we read further.
Let's not 🗑 waste any time at all we shall proceed to the topic of ⚜ 💿 discussion

🅾nly certain species of the anopheles (female) mosquitoes transmit malaria.
Malaria is caused by one celled parasite called plasmodium.
These female anopheles mosquitoes pick up the parasites from the infected persons when they bite them to obtain blood needed to nurture their eggs. >>this very fact was incited from the ideology of the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION (WHO). These parasites reproduce and develop in the inside of the mosquitoes.
When these mosquitoes further bite again the 🐼 parasites so contained in the salivary gland are injected and passed through the 🅱lood of the individuals bitten . the malaria parasites rapidly multiply ✖️ in the red 🔴 blood cells and in the liver of the infected 🇦🇱 persons. The first symptom of the malaria appears from 1-2 weeks after it has been contacted. These symptoms are likely to be headache, fever, vomiting, chills etc. Malaria can kill and destroy the red blood cells and the capillaries that carry blood to the brains and other vital organs if not properly treated with the most effective drug prescriptions.
There are four types of human malaria; plasmodium vivax, p ovale, p malariae and p falciparium
The most deadly💀 forms are most common in the sub-saharan region of the African continent, where it causes approximately more than 400,000 of death per year.
Recently, some human cases of the malaria has been associated with the plasmodium knowlesi. a specie that causes malaria among monkeys and occurs in certain forested areas of South-East 🌏 Asia.

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To enhane our undertsanding of the types of malaria, we shall look into them in a more emphatic way. We shall be briefly explaining them one after the other.

  1. FALCIPARIUM MALARIAE: Falciparum malariae is potentially life-threatening. Patients with severe falciparum malaria may develop liver and kidney failure, convulsions, and coma. Although occasionally severe, infections with P. vivax and P. ovale generally cause less serious illness, but the parasites can remain dormant in the liver for many months, causing a reappearance of symptoms months or even years later.

  2. P. Malariae: A review of the life history of Plasmodium malariae, the quartan malaria parasite of humans, is presented. Much of the information is based on data obtained from induced infections in humans who were given malaria therapy for the treatment of neurosyphilis between 1940 and 1963. Prepatent periods (i.e., the time until the first day of parasite detection) fever episodes, and maximum parasitemias as a result of infection with P. malariae were obtained and are presented. Experimental and known vectors of the parasite are also discussed. Splenectomized chimpanzees and New World monkeys are readily infected and serve as sources of parasites and antigens for diagnostic and molecular studies. South American monkeys are naturally infected with a parasite known as Plasmodium brasilianum. This parasite appears to be P. malariae that has adapted from humans to grow in monkeys, probably within the last 500 years. Infection with P. malariae is associated with the production of immune complexes in the kidneys and the associated nephrotic syndrome. The essential lesions are a thickening of the glomerular basement membrane and endocapillary cell proliferation. Studies of monkeys infected with P. malariae indicate the same pathology as that demonstrated in humans.

  3. P. Vivax: Plasmodium vivax is a parasite causing malaria in humans; it has been included on the international health agenda regarding its early eradication, mainly due to the high morbidity rates it causes and its wide geographical distribution [6]. This parasite species displays particular biological characteristics, such as hypnozoite development in the liver and rapid gametocyte formation. Interestingly, the parasite exclusively infects immature erythrocytes (reticulocytes), representing just 1–2% of total red blood cells (RBC) from adult human peripheral blood. These cells are fragile, have rapid maturation and complex procedures are required for obtaining enriched samples, hence maintaining a P. vivax continuous culture in vitro is extremely difficult

For a quick and most effective cure of malaria disease, i personally recommend infected persons to take C24/7 an outstanding product ALIANCE IN Ⓜ️OTION GLOBAL.

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