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RE: Children Vaccinated At Birth For Hepatitis B in Australia! Why?

in #health8 years ago

I salute people like you who look for the truth above all controversies, god speed bro.
Also yeah it would be a little less risky if government/pharma idiots listed all the ingredients (or any a tall) but they don't. Nefarious as all hell.


Agreed mate! Thank you for the compliment! =)

Truth is always a good thing, and yes the full list of ingredents are available. It is a federal law. Vaccines are safe and effective, please use them.

@john1981 The supreme court has classified vaccines as "unavoidably unsafe" not safe and effective. "Safe and effective" has been the marketing buzzwords of Big Pharma and because they have repeated it so much, people have believed it.

Actually no, the supreme court never said that about vaccines. That whole idea came from an example that a judge was giving, at least that is my read of it. It was not a rulling. Still safe.

There are too many whistle blowers about vaccines that say otherwise.
Research into the rothschild and his comments on vaccines.

Literally, around 4 million kids are born in the US each year. 99% of them follow the vaccine schedule. If there was any issuses with them, it would be wide spread and no amount of trying could keep it quite.

Correct goyim, which is exactly why these "healthy kids" want to cut off their penis and become tran sexuals these days while the government who helps sell the vaccines support it on tv! Yup perfectly fine.

lol, I have to remember that one. Pass on the fluoride too ;)

Excellent comment! I will look into that! =) Upvoted!