Back pain. Effective method of eliminating problems in the back.

in #health7 years ago

I found the most effective ways to eliminate problems in the back. This system of physical and spiritual recovery was formed thousands of years ago in India. Now it is very popular as a method of relaxation, increase of tone and increase in flexibility.
There are many types of yoga. For example, Hatha Yoga and Iengar Yoga are very useful for people, because they consist of smooth, slow movements. These types of yoga tone the body, increase flexibility and endurance and do not overstress the joints. Ashtanga Yoga and Vinyasa Yoga require more speed. A particularly complex style, where exercises are performed in an exceptionally heated room (in order not to get stretched) is Bikram yoga.
• Yoga exercises will increase flexibility and increase the amplitude of movements
• Teach you how to control your body
• Muscles (especially the stabilizing body) will be toned
• Yoga does not include shock loads - this is very good for a curved spine, when they are prohibited.
In yoga, there are many asanas that promote the opening of the chest. First, it helps to avoid further development of stoop and hump growth. Secondly, a person who has a thorax open and a good posture is more confident in himself, is open and full of energy.
Below, several asanas will be given to strengthen the back and open the chest.

  1. Lying on your stomach, put your hands under your shoulders, your forehead needs to touch the floor. On inspiration, lift the upper part of the torso. Important: try to keep the body at the top point with the strength of the back muscles, and not with the hands. In this asana, make five cycles of breathing (one cycle: inhalation - the stomach rises, ribs open, shoulders rise, exhale - shoulders fall, ribs narrow, belly "is judged").
  2. On exhalation, return to the starting position.
  3. Move your palms back at the chest level, gently pushing the palms of the floor, bend more strongly in the thoracic spine (!). Look up and repeat the five cycles of yoga breathing. On the fifth exhalation, return to the starting position.
  4. Stand on all fours. Go down on your heels and bend forward, you need to lower your forehead to the floor. Pull your arms out in front of you and perform five cycles of breathing in this position. It is very important to completely relax your neck. You can ask someone from close to come from behind and press down the pelvis, in which case you will feel a pleasant stretch in the back.

Slow, controlled movements and focus on breathing not only soothe, but also tone the muscles. With the help of asanas from yoga, you can tone the basic muscles and work deeper. Yoga contributes to the elaboration of the musculature of the back, abdomen and pelvic girdle - this will improve your posture. Here the main thing is not the quantity, but the quality of the movements.