What is Iridology? 👁️

in #health5 years ago

Iridology is the science of analyzing the delicate structures of the iris in the eye. The iris (colored portion of the eye) and the fibers within it represents a communication system capable of handling an amazing quantity of information.


Iridology reveals a very detailed ‘report’ of the entire human body including: where inflammation is located in the body (and at what stage of degeneration it is at), body constitution, genetic constitution, hereditary weaknesses, levels of health of organs & glands, condition of the nervous system, issues or symptoms that may happen in the future, etc.

Iridology helps us to obtain our maximum health potential. It brings an awareness of how to prevent health issues, nutritional (food/herb) deficiencies, and of our weaknesses in the body - so we can try to strengthen our genetics for future generations.

Iridology gives an individual information concerning their health level that is not available in any other way. It is an essential tool to be used in a wholistic, complete health program.


At first I was very skeptical of Iridology and it’s validity as a health assessment tool. I wasn’t sure how it worked or if it made sense; until I started making correlations with my eyes and the physical symptoms I was dealing with. After seeing the many correlations with my body and my irises changing color and structure; and seeing the same correlations within the works of Bernard Jensen and Dr. Robert Morse (thousands of cases)- I knew there was definitely something to it.

I used Iridology to accurately assess my body and weaknesses; including chronic adrenal/nervous system fatigue, chronic sinus congestion, hypothyroid symptoms, lower back pain, joint pain & inflammation, etc.

Then I used food, herbs, & lifestyle changes to overcome all of those physical ailments, while strengthening my physical body and genetics at the same time.

If you’re interested in receiving an in-depth
Iris analysis/report and Health assessment, including 1 hr of consultation time (valued at $150)

Stay tuned as I’ll be doing a give away soon on Instagram (@solsticefoods) for two (2) of these packages in the near future! ☺️

“The eyes have been proclaimed throughout the ages as the window of the soul. We now it acknowledge them as the mirror of the body”. - Bernard Jensen