Inflammation Nation!

in #health7 years ago

Inflammation Nation! Nobody wants to live here, yet most of us do. And we can’t seem to escape.

Inflammation seems to be an ever popular buzzword in the health arena. And for good reason. It can be pretty dangerous and we can only ignore it for so long before it’ll eventually get our attention in ways that are less than favorable.

So what exactly is it? Inflammation is the body's response to an injury or stress. That stress could be from your diet, lifestyle or environment. While inflammation serves its purpose in healing (like when you have a fever), it is also the root cause of most, if not all, diseases and a major culprit behind the visible signs of aging. Inflammation isn’t always bad - it’s our body’s natural defense mechanism. However, it’s the constant, chronic, low-level inflammation that is dangerous and makes us more susceptible to disease.


What turns up the dial on inflammation? Several things:

Diet - too much sugar, artificial sweeteners, alcohol and the wrong types of fats (canola/soybean/corn/vegetable oils and trans fats to name a few), food additives like nitrates, sulfites, preservatives, colorings and MSG.

Lifestyle - smoking, lack of exercise, constant dehydration and lack of sleep.

Stress - high cortisol (our stress hormone) - constant psychological, emotional or physical stress raises cortisol.

The bugs in our gut - we're teeming with bacteria. In fact, our bacterial cells outnumber our human cells 10:1! But when there's an imbalance in the good guys vs. the bad guys, too much yeast, pathogenic bacteria or fungi, we have problems.

Toxicity - we're bombarded with toxins every day just from being humans out in the world. Our air, water, food, lotions, makeup, sunscreen, household cleaners, laundry detergent, perfume, furniture, plastics (the list goes on and on as you can see!) can provide a steady dose of toxins. Oh, and heavy metals... mercury fillings anyone? *Side note: I got mine removed last year and if you’re interested in doing the same, I can help you find a biological dentist in your area to make sure it’s done properly!


Chronic inflammation causes free radical damage and oxidative stress. All of which can effect each of us differently, manifesting itself into a whole bunch of ailments we want nothing to do with: arthritis, chronic pain, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, skin conditions, osteoporosis, candida, urinary tract infections, cancer, acid reflux, Crohn’s, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, dementia, asthma, high cholesterol... the list is seemingly endless.

Taking meds to reduce joint paint or lower cholesterol, for example, are band-aid fixes that cover up uncomfortable symptoms, but they don’t get to the root cause. Meds can be helpful and I fully believe there is a place for them, so please don’t get me wrong. But they should not be our first line of defense. They cause more harm than good. The truth is, you’d be better served by getting to the root cause of that inflammation. The least extreme course of action would be diet and lifestyle changes. It’s not always easy, but small changes result in big payoffs. Diet and lifestyle changes are far more effective than drugs, far less expensive than drugs and there are no side effects - only side benefits.

So where do you start? Food! If you only change one thing, this will likely make the most noticeable difference.

Which foods promote inflammation? Typically, the worst offenders are gluten, corn, soy (unless it’s non-GMO and fermented), pasteurized dairy, conventional meat, sugar, trans fats, refined carbs, processed food, canola/soybean/corn/vegetable oils and alcohol.

Which foods drastically reduce inflammation? Clean, filtered water (at least half your body weight in ounces, minimum), high fiber foods such as fruits (berries, all citrus, apples, cherries, pomegranates), vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, kale, collards, spinach, cauliflower, arugula, bok choy, beets, celery, cucumber, zucchini, asparagus, artichokes, sweet potato, squash), nuts and seeds. Sprouts, spices like turmeric, fresh herbs, herbal teas, wild-caught fish like salmon and sardines, raw/unpasteurized fermented vegetables, garlic and onions of all varieties, legumes, mushrooms and medicinal mushrooms, sea vegetables/seaweed, superfoods such as raw cacao, chia seeds, flaxseeds, hemp seeds and healthy fats like avocado, olives, coconut and grass-fed butter, pasture-raised eggs, grass-fed meats, cultured dairy like kefir and yogurt.


This list is loaded with potent anti-inflammatory, high-antioxidant foods. It is by no means an all-encompassing list but hopefully it gives you some ideas as to which foods to eat lots more of! Organic is best, but I know it’s not always possible. Organic foods are typically more nutrient dense, so you get more bang for your buck. Plus, they are not genetically modified and have less pesticides which equals less inflammation.

When you shift to cleaner, more nutritious food and cut inflammation, you reduce your risk of cancer and virtually all other diseases, lose weight, balance hormones, alleviate bloating/digestive issues and skin issues, sleep better, have more energy, less joint pain, better brain function, less depression and a whole lot more. Because everything is connected! When you work to improve one part of the body, it has a ripple effect on everything. YAY, that’s awesome news, right?!

Whew that was a lot, but I want you to have the best health EVER! Perhaps you're ready to make a change or you need help taking it further? I am happy to help!


I don't do seaweed, mushrooms or fish, but the rest of that list is awesome. Lots of good foods on there.

Thanks for the comment! I could live off mushrooms haha. At least you've got lots of others to choose from.

Awesome article @steadfasthealth! Bugs in my gut??!! Haha as long as they're helpful, that works for me! Thanks for all the info, hell of an education!

Haha lots of bugs! Thank you @artibeus, glad you enjoyed it!