Traditional Medicinals! (Holistic Remedy: AVOCADO SEEDS, ORANGE PEELS....)

in #health6 years ago


Good day! My name is Stephanie And I am a natural health coach and future naturopathic healer. I love health and wellness and share my experience and knowledge with all of you here. If you appreciate this work, then go ahead and share, upvote, and comment! All your support and love is what drives me to keep blogging about health. SO, thank you!!

On today's Traditional Medicinals series, I will be sharing with you the benefits of eating Avocado pits and Orange and Grapefruit peels!

Are These Items In Your Garbage Bin?!

 Usually when I eat avocados, grapefruits, or oranges I always throw away the peels and seeds! I recently came across an article that shared information about why not to throw these lovely fruit pieces in the garbage can. There are actually benefits to eating these odd or non-traditional foods. 


Avocado Pits

 Avocados are one of my favorite fruits! I have grown up in a household where avocados are a staple! My roots are from Mexico. I love my native land, because of the amazing lanscapes, people, and foooood! I grew up eating lots of corn, beans, avocados, rice, and yes... meat! I no longer eat meat, but I ate a lot as a child. The one thing I never heard about as a child up until now... is that avocado pits are nutritious and edible! I can't even sum up the amount of avocado seeds I have thrown away since birth! Whew, Let's imagine over 1,000+ pits thrown away in my lifetime. 


 Avocado seeds are packed with mono-unsaturated fat, lower cholesterol, and prevent heart attacks and strokes! The seeds are also a concentrated source of nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants. In South America and Africa, Avocado pits have been used medicinally for hundreds of years! They are used to treat constipation, diarrhea, arthritis, diabetes, skin problems, and more! The antioxidants in Avocado seeds are known for fighting cancer and strengthening the immune system. 

WARNING: Do Not eat large quantities of Avocado Pits. It can be toxic if taking large amounts. A couple teaspoons at a time is best. 

How To Eat Avocado Pit: 

You can roast them in the oven.

You can eat them raw. 

You can also blend the seeds in a blender to make into a powder. This powder can be sprinkled over smoothies, cereals, oatmeal, etc! 

Orange And Grapefruit Peels

 I feel like this is a more popular or well known fact that people have heard of. Grapefruit and Orange peels are edible and contain amazing health benefits. I learned about this in my late teens, and I have eaten the peels maybe once or twice in my life. The peels were extremely bitter and undesirable. Aside from the taste, let me tell you the health benefits! 


So, do you know that white stuff in oranges and grapefruits when you peel them you see it underneath the peel? Well, the white stuff inside the peel is called pericarp. pericarp contains some of the most powerful nutrients. pericarp contains the highest concentration of vitamin C in an orange, grapefruit, lemon, or lime. Another substance that pericarp contains is a flavonoid called naringenin. This flavonoid and other citrus flavonoids repair DNA damage from free radicals. Free radicals lead to cancer, so by eating more citrus fruits with the skin and white pericarp the less likely you will experience dis-ease such as cancer. Another phytonutrient that citrus fruits have helps the liver burn off excess fat. 

How to Eat:  Leave plenty of the ‘white stuff’ on the orange, grapefruit or other citrus when peeling it. Grate and use orange, lemon and lime zest on everything—smoothies, salads, main courses, even desserts.

Source where I got my information from:

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good to know! i will try to incorporate these into my diet, don't want them to go to waste :)

haha same here! I will figure out how to incorporate these into my diet!