Dear Millenial Generation, Let's Avoid Stroke in This Way

in #health7 years ago

Stroke is a medical emergency that must be immediately recognized and addressed. Stroke is caused by a blockage of blood vessels in the brain or known as ischemic stroke. In addition, stroke can also be caused by rupture of blood vessels in the brain or also known as hemorrhagic stroke.

People at high risk of being attacked
stroke including high blood pressure, blood sugar (diabetes mellitus), smokers, obesity, never exercise, have a family history of stroke, and others. Symptoms of a stroke can get worse in a few hours to 1-2 days due to the increased extent of dead brain tissue.

It used to be a lot of strokes afflicted elderly, but now 25% also attack people under 65 years. Since 2010, stroke occupies the first place as the biggest cause of death and disability in Indonesia. According to Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2013, stroke is the leading cause of death in almost all hospitals in Indonesia, at 14.5%.

How should a healthy lifestyle be done to avoid the risk of stroke at a young age? Consider the explanation below,

1. Always increase awareness of stroke by doing a healthy lifestyle

In general, stroke caused cholesterol levels that exceed normal or high blood pressure.

2. The risk of stroke will be reduced if we apply a healthy lifestyle

Highly recommended for regular eating fruits and vegetables, and eat nutritious food.

3. Do regular exercise

Starting from now get used to physical activity at least 30 minutes per day.

4. Stay away from cigarettes and alcohol consumption

Stroke usually attacks those who have a habit of smoking and drinking alcohol. From now on the habits of bad habits.

5. Adequate sleep and manage stress

Create a frequent sleep late at night, from now avoid. Sleeping at the beginning of time can also manage stress well.

Do not forget the early detection of stroke in Integrated Coaching Post or through the first level health facilities yes.