Which Apple Protects From Cancer The Best?

in #health7 years ago

Apples are just great, and not just because they allegedly keep the doctor away, but because they sort of kinda do! Fruits are not only great for you they're so good for you that no matter how much of them you eat it wouldn't be considered unadvised. If you want more fruit EAT IT!
Due to their high fiber content, water content, and general balance and sheer amount of chewing required, apples are always good to consume, especially if you're diabetic!

So which apple has the best most anti-oxidant rich anti-cancer profile?

To find this out the best way to determine such a specific thing is to look at total anti-oxidant content of each apple, as that's the primary difference between these apples that would make them better at fighting cancer and disease.

We will be looking at the ORAC value, the value at which the phyto-chemicals absorb/neutralize (Oxygen) radicals or to translate this into more familiar terms: the total antioxidant capacity of each of these foods.
The study in which I will be using can be found here.

As you can see for yourself, looking for the highest numbers in the "Total ORAC" data field, there's not a very large advantage however none the less there's a winner here, and that winner is, sadly, and much to my personal dismay, Red Delicious apples.
Folowed up by Red delicious apples is the granny smith, when then takes a good dive down to Gala, Golden Delicious, and Fuiji apples, all being about 1/4th less potent as the granny smith and red delicious apples.

So in conclusion, Red delicious apples win, but if you're like me and absolutely despise them, Granny smith's are your next best bet. Realistically though, if you dislike BOTH, just get yourself any ol' apple as apples are just overall fantastic for you.

For the science once again see this
For the picture of apples click here

And if you want a similar post, but on the topic of nuts, check out my disgustingly similar post on nuts :)


Glad we came across each other. I have just decided to eat healthier and this is right on time. Thanks!

Leafy greens next installment in the series plz!

I had to find another study, but I got the two most popular dark leafy greens!
Sadly there's nothing on swiss chard and collard greens though...

Sure thing mate :)

I love apples, i see how they benefit us so much. but if you made which apples taste the best be a good one, I LOVE FUJI APPLES.

The problem is taste is so subjective...my favorite is Macintosh apples, and out of the ones above definitely granny smith first, fuji second. Anything but red delicious :)

agreed on anything red is delicious, omg I love cherries, strawberries and watermelon!

tbh I eat a watermelon almost every day, I've had about 20 in the past month.
My favorite fruit though is yellow tropical ones though, although they're hard to find (of good quality) outside of the tropics.

I love apples and eat one almost every day. But I guess I have expensive tastes as I only eat Honeycrisps.

I prefer Macintosh apples (yes they're a thing) above all myself, I'm not sure if I've actually had a honeycrisp one though. I'm not as much of an fanatic when it comes to apples as I am with other fruits.