Intermittent Fasting Journey Day 2

in #health7 years ago


I’ve competed the second day of my 30 day intermittent fasting journey and must say that it was a lot harder than the first day. Thankfully I was expecting it so I had the right mindset going into the day.

I started getting really hungry around 8 AM, so the last 3 hours of fasting were a challenged. I was counting the minutes leading up to 11 AM. I must say that my lunch aka breakfast meal tasted better than any lunch that I’ve had in a long time. It’s not because it was a fancy lunch, it’s just because I was looking forward to it so much.

There was one change that I made on Day 2 compared to day 1 in hopes that it helps.

  1. It was obvious that during day 1 I was still in the 5-6 small meals a day mindset. So I wasn’t eating enough during my meals. So yesterday I added a least one other item to each of the 3 meals and included a meal replacement shake around 6 PM. I think I’ll need to keep adjusting my meals until I find the right combination.

Coming into Day 3, I’m going to try to make a few more adjustments to help.

  1. I’m going to make my breakfast meal a little larger today so I’m not temped to snack throughout my 8 hour meal time

  2. I’ve planned a few meetings from 9 to 11 AM in hopes that I’ll stay busy and it will keep my mind off of the hunger

  3. Water… I’m going to drink more water during the fasting time. A friend suggested sparkling water because the carbonation fills you up so you feel less hungry. I’m not a fan of sparkling water, so I’m going to save that tip for the future if needed.

  4. Normally I workout in the morning (4 AM), today I’m going to try to work out during my meal phase. I would rather work out in the morning because it’s a nice way to wake up and energize myself. But I wanted to give this a try since I’m working from home today.

How do I feel after 2 days?

Hungry and a little grumpy… I think this is normal though, I’m still in the adjusting period. So I’m hoping in another day or two, I’ll start feeling the boost that everyone is talking about.

If you have any questions or want to hear more about certain things, just let me know!