Healthy Habit Hacks for Your Better Life

in #health7 years ago

What healthy means from one person to another can vary, so these are just some habits that I’ve personally incorporated into my routine that helped me feel like I’m taking care of my mind, my body, my spirit.

  1. Morning routine
    Whether you’re a morning person or not, having a morning routine for whenever you wake up can really help the sediment those healthy habits. No right or wrong here, just find what feels most natural and achievable to you. My morning routine includes habits like drinking enough fluids, having a wholesome and filling breakfast, getting some exercise or light stretching and then getting some fresh air.

  2. Positive mindset
    Feeling down and frustrated about stuff can happen to us. But sometimes we can get caught in a cycle of self-defeating negativity that can really build a toxic environment in our minds, in our relationships or maybe in the way that we view our self-worth, so try to adopt a positive mindset whenever you can and I know that’s easier said than done. If you need a little bit off a trick or an exercise: get an elastic band or bracelet and switch it from 1 wrist to the other each time you find yourself complaining, criticizing, gossiping or anything else that’s creating a negative behind space. By taking part in this exercise for a few days, they’ll snap yourself out of the cycle of negative thinking which you can, then use as a prompt to switch your mindset to a positive one instead

  3. Focus on adding in
    Quite often, when people want to create new habits, they focus on the things that they want to no longer do, but instead, what we want to do is focus more of our attention to the things that we want to add more of into our lives. So instead of thinking I need to stop eating junk food, you can start eating some more fruit or something to that effect. No one likes being told that they’re gonna be deprived of something but everybody likes knowing that they can have more of something. Use this little hack to shift your mindset into making the desire change a welcoming activity instead

  4. Finding balance
    As mentioned above, we’re focusing more on those things that we want to add more into our life, but at the same time, we want to make sure that we’re not restricting the things that might be deemed less healthy because in my opinion is about balance. For example, enjoying the bag of chips on movie night, it’s not something to feel guilty about, we focus on eating well most of the time and we allow ourselves to enjoy them. You probably knew this one was coming, it’s all about stocking up and preparing meals at home, whenever you can. Make sure that you have the right food on hand makes for more wholesome snack choices and healthier meal prep, so enjoy that meal out every once in a while but nothing can beat the nutritional value of a wholesome home-cooked meal. Sometimes making healthy choices doesn’t have to mean a huge overhaul in your habits, it can just be a simple substitution of products that you’re already using.

  5. Decluttering
    Decluttering I view as being healthy in 2 different ways. For one, I feel that when I have a tidy home, I also have a clear mind I feel that I can be more productive and I feel I can also give myself permission to relax and unwind in this little oasis. I’ve created but another way I find it to be healthy. That encourages me to buy less

  6. Tuning into the breath
    We can all feel anxious angry stressed or overwhelmed from time to time, so let’s use the power of our breath to help ground ourselves. Take just a moment to close your eyes, put your hands on your belly and feel the rising and falling of the abdomen, taking this moment for yourself can really help you to recollect, then allows you to enter the situation again with a fresh mind

  7. Visualizing
    Visualizing is an extremely powerful tool. Napoleon Hill once said whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. So create a vision board or just lay down and close your eyes for 5 minutes and envision what it is you want now. Keep doing this. Trust me, you’re going to make it happen.

  8. Accomplishments lists
    This is one of my favorites, so instead of just having a list to do and crossing things off as you go along, create an accomplishments list as well. I do this all the time. I mean recognizing all of the things that you’ve done that day or a week or a month and displaying it somewhere, it just really helps to keep you going. It feels good to see and the stuff that you’ve achieved instead of just looking ahead at the neverending pile of to do. This little hack has helped me personally maintain my productivity and healthy habits.

  9. Mental exercise
    You’ll continuously enrich your life by learning something that’s new and of course, something that’s of interest to you seriously. Take a moment each day to do something that you love, I mean life is too short to miss out on this one. Whether it’s spending time with a loved one, talking a walk in nature, working on your creative outlet or watching a movie. Nothing is better for your health than those feel good vibes. So maximize it whenever you can give something of yourself to others each day and this helps not only them to feel good but you too. Whether it’s a kind deed sharing a compliment giving a smile to a total stranger. A small act of kindness can be huge to somebody who might have just really needed it that day.

There are many healthier tips and hacks that can be shared, so if we’ve missed anything, go ahead and share that in the comments section. You can add your own healthy habits as well.