Free the Plant

in #healthcare7 years ago (edited)

Cannabis, also known as "Marijuana", "Ganja", "Reefer" or "Weed", a plant which is a victim of human strife and greed. A plant which has many benefits medically, recreationally and industrially which have been deeply associated with almost every culture and every society present in this planet of ours. Dating back to more than 3,000 years, used as a medicine and recreational substance by ancient Chinese people and worldwide. It's impressive how propaganda can twist the truth and brainwash people to such extent that a useful plant was first taxed and then finally outlawed by the efforts of Mr. Harry J. Anslinger, the director of Customs and Narcotics of the U.S. during 19th century. The main reason of this ingenius actions were merely because of racism, "the fear of white women engaging in sexual relationships with Negroes, Mexicans, Filipinos" and of course the lobbying of the pharmaceutical companies who was eyeing a fortune in synthetic medicine production.
A much more impressive act by Ansliger was to outlaw the plant globally through the UN 1962 resolution which placed Cannabis on schedule 1 category which means "the substance does not contain any medical benefits, but instead harmful". But tables have turned these days, as laws are starting to change from one state to another in the U.S. and in other countries, though the stigma of the bad effects of the plant to the human body and to the society is still largely felt up to this day.
Although some governments and people's societies are acting up on this injustice, large scale opposition is done by the big pharmaceutical companies, in defense of their profits, of course. Because unlike synthetic drugs, Cannabis does not have any fatal side effects. What we get is pure medication, plus some meditation! Cannabis has two main chemical components which are both beneficial. These components are the CBD (cannabidiol) the medical and non-psychoactive and the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive but still medicinal compound. Both components are found in the Cannabis plant and its concentrations vary from different strains of the plant. Some strains of Cannabis have even 0% THC and only CBD, so children and other patients who does not want the psychoactive effects can enjoy the benefits of this miracle plant. Cannabis have been found very helpful in epilepsy patients, alzheimer's, cancer and others. These theories can be backed up by countless studies and documentaries made about Cannabis, one very popular documentary is "WEED by Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN". I, myself can also say that Cannabis helped my father deal with his lung cancer, but due to the unsteady supply because of the laws here in my country, there was an almost 3 month period where he did not have access to the medicinal plant and the fast spreading of his cancer, he lost his battle on October 2015, but was not broken. I know, because he told us so. He told us that it helped him on his pains and the nasty side effects of his chemotheraphy.
Cannabis is not the evil thing in this world, it is the greed of the people that makes us miserable and chained. May we all think about the welfare of our planet and to those in need not to those in greed. If we all think like these, we'd have less wars, less hunger, less cancers.SAM_8835.JPG