Healthy Living Guide

in #healthy6 years ago

Technology-based education services and provider,
The teacher's room released a new program in its platform entitled Healthy Life Yuk!

This new health-smelling program became the result of a collaboration with PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk (Indofood)
with Positive Deviance Resources Center of Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia (FKM UI).

Co-founder & CEO of Ruangguru Belva Syah Devara, said the program is part of the effort to educate knowledge
about health and nutrition for Indonesian teenagers.

"This [Our Healthy Life Yuk program] targets to provide information and education about health to adolescents.
We are collaborating with Indofood that has a wide market, while its content from FKM UI, and its platform from Ruangguru, "
he told Business in the Launch of "Healthy Living Yuk!" Program in Jakarta.

Belva explained that this program is in Ruangguru application that can be downloaded by anyone and free.
Meanwhile, the content offered in the form of 40 pieces of video with quizzes, summaries, and practice topics.

Participated in the program, Professor of FKM UI Endang L. Achmadi said
that the health problems for teenagers in Indonesia are many and require serious attention.

"Teenagers have a major problem of lack of knowledge about nutrition and nutrition.
Health and nutrition problems should be addressed immediately. "
He said in front of hundreds of teenagers who attended the launch of the program.

Endang exemplifies the health problem of stunting.
Stunting is considered not a matter of body size, but the concern is that the impact of stunting may inhibit growth
and the development of other organs so as to affect the cognitive abilities and risk of non-communicable diseases as adults.

Based on the SDG baseline report on Indonesian children in 2017
published by Bappenas and UNICEF shows that the double burden of Indonesian malnutrition is a very serious problem.

According to his research in 2013, as many as 37% of children under 5 years experience stunting.
In addition 12% of them experienced wasting (low weight compared to height)
and the same amount is overweight (overweight).