Still Awake? Say These Prayers For The Last Day Of August.


Still Awake? Say These Prayers For The Last Day Of August.

Factually speaking, God has been faithful! Against all odds, He has kept us alive. I know some of us might have not gotten all our prayers for the month of August answered, but the truth is that, God has been providing the major things we need in life: food, clothing and shelter. No matter how hard the situation might be, God always make a way to make surewe have something to eat, something to wear, and a place to lay our heads. Most important of all, is the free gift of life He has bestowed unto us. For these reasons, we need to appreciate Him. We could appreciate Him with singing, dancing, clapping, etc. Now, without any further ado, let's pray the following prayer points:

Lord, I thank You for the free gift of life which You have given unto me. I thank You for my family, friends, well-wishers, my country (Nigeria), even my enemies. I thank You for the Miracle of sleeping and waking up. It's not by my power, but, by your endless Grace.

Great God, I thank You for Your Mercy upon my life. Despite my wrongs, Your mercy keeps on helping me. If You mark my iniquities Lord, I can not stand. Thank You Lord Jesus for Your Mercy upon my life.

Jehovah Jireh, I thank You for providing food for me and my family. Even in this period where money hardly flow in due to the lockdown, You always figure out away to provide for us. Daddy, I'm grateful. Thank You Lord, for clothing us.

Jehovah Shammah, I thank You for providing a place for me to be able to lay my head. Thank You for giving me a shelter. Daddy, I'm grateful.

Mighty God of War, I thank You for fighting all my battles from August 1st to August 31st because, I don't even have the power to fight any of these battles. My Father My Fighter, I am deeply grateful.

Thank You Lord for hearing me for in Jesus' Mighty Name I have prayed, Amen. Hallelujah!