Do Not Afriad

in #heartchurch2 years ago


Matthew. 14:25-33 NIV, you can read the whole of the chapter in your spare time. But I want to emphasize on verse
29-31 it says;

29 Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.

30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!

31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

In this life, there are many things to fear, yet Jesus wants us to look to Him and not be afraid of anything. His words of encouragement in verse 27 of our text are founded on His limitless power and intense personal love for all who belong to Him.

Peter took courage before he got down of the boat and when challenges of wind came he began to scared, fear catch his mind and he began to sink because he doubt his faith. And he remember that there's a man (Jesus) who can save him then he cried for help and Jesus saved him.

Many people doubt their faith when about to succeed in what they are doing because of little challenge. They allow fear to override their faith and they lost totally.

So, don't surrender to fears, rather, surrender your fears to God. Yes, surrender your fears to the Word of God and let the Word of God paralyse them. Someone said, “I am not afriad of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday, and I love today”.

I Samuel 17:32-37 talk about Goliath and David. How David took the courage of God and defeated Goliath.

Then, Goliath's voice was a source of fear to the children of Israel, and that voice took control of their destiny until the little boy (David) showed up. That little boy called David was the only person who disgrace the dreaded Goliath. David did not allow fear of Goliath to override his faith, he remember he is serving a living God.

Fear is only as deep as the mind allows. Do not afriad for every Goliath on your way, there is always a David the spirit of God. Do not fear tomorrow, that should be your attitude, why? Because Jesus lives. Unlike peter who began to sink due to fear, refuse to hand over your life to fear.
I encourage you to get up, confront your fear, refuse to be afraid, trust God and face the future with boldness. You shall enjoy life to the fullest

Let us Pray together.

Lord, increase my faith in you and help me to face my future with boldness.

Thank you for your time.

Always Remember To Pray For Your Love Once


Still Me; @princefm.