RE: Picking a Charity
giving someone an ultimatum of "play by MY rules on MY timeline or give YOUR money to someone of MY choice...?"
this doesn't fly by me.
I have plans of going to make a donation at an orphanage this week. But if I don't do it on YOUR timeline within 24 hours, then according to you, I don' have a heart...?
I commend your efforts here. And I commend @onceuponatime 's calling out ego when he sees it.
I'm sorry, honey - yes, there's ego in your proposal. You're trying to win brownie points by manipulating people into playing YOUR game that makes you LOOK like a good person, painting them out to be heartless if they don't agree to YOUR rules. you may have a good heart. but there's also something there in the shadows that doesn't sit right.
I WILL give to a cause of MY choice, on the timeline I've set for this week.
the REASON I give is not to look good in your eyes or anybody else's.
I was planning on making a story out of it to post on here, but frankly after seeing the way you've conducted yourself with this, I'd rather my giving remain anonymous and NOT for public applause.
Excuse me you are. I already apologized to @piedpiper. I think you misunderstood me too. Punishment is not the idea of my message. I didn't want to show that someone is not good. The main thing I wanted to show people that STEEMIT can do good things. They can occur by themselves of course, and all you do I have no doubt. I just didn't think that someone can refuse. So I made up this sentence on the transfer of funds to the account @steemit symbolically. I wanted you as the famous people, shown by all those who came here for easy money that it is not important here, that we can do more together. Look, people come here, take the money and leave forever. You know? I'm not waiting for approval, this is not important for me. I want to make the world better, to help those who need my help.
I have nothing against that would change that. For me, the main idea is to show people that STEEMIT can do amazing good things together. Let's change the rules of the game, I created them as I felt right. You think otherwise, and I can hear you. We're a community, we can discuss it. Tell me how, I do not have this experience. The idea of a marathon because good? Let's fill STEEMIT kindness and love. Let's keep the main thing:
I'm not looking for fame, I want to do good. Do NOT need to abandon their intentions. Fix my mistakes. Let's run this marathon together.