Midsummer Fire Festival is Here!/ Boomsday Thoughts

in #hearthstone6 years ago (edited)

 The Hearthstone Midsummer Fire Festival is here again! Not only does this event bring a Ragnaros themed Tavern Brawl and Fire Festival emotes, it also means double gold from all quests. I'm making this post to let people who may only play occasionally know that the event has started. I was on a HS break last July and I missed out on quite a few packs. This event is the perfect time to build up some spending money for The Boomsday Project expansion launching August 7th. I've been playing Hearthstone on and off since the beta and I've really enjoyed the Witchwood expansion and I hope they can keep up the momentum. The new mechanic Magnetize has some interesting possibilities, maybe enough to help Warrior get back in the meta.

I thought in addition to the Fire Festival reminder I would go ahead and give my opinion on some of the cards revealed so far.   


 This card is fairly good in my opinion. It's 1 additional mana over Lone Champion but can be played without the restriction of being the only minion on the board. Add in the Magnetic and Mech tags and it opens up soem serious possibilities. Right now I'd give it 3/5, it's ok but I need to see the full set to find out what to value Magnetic at.

Upgradeable Framebot

 Six stats on a 2 cost minion is always good and with the Mech tag I can't imagine this won't see play in most Mech decks if the archetype works( I hope it does otherwise this expansion is going to be rough). Add any other Magnetic card on top of this and it's suddenly a pretty big threat. Not to mention 5 health is really hard to deal with early on. I give this one a 4/5, and if some great synergy cards are revealed a 5/5.

Omega Defender

 The Omega minions all revolve around you being at max mana so I'm going to guess Druid will be their home. In other classes I just don't see this card being worth including, it just takes to long to make an impact, and even in a long game a 12/6 for 4 is good but by the time you can play it the opponent most likely has an easy answer. But if a Druid were to ramp and drop this mid-game it could have a significant impact. For the possibility in a ramp deck I'm giving it 2/5 but in any other deck I'd say 1/5, its just not strong enough and it's not a mech.

Spider Bomb

 In case you weren't aware it has been confirmed that Warrior, Paladin, and Hunter are getting magnetic cards and so far this one looks the best. It's just a better Deadly Shot, which Hunters already run as removal for large targets. You get a Deadly Shot with a 2/2 body, whats not to like. Being Magnetic and a Mech are just icing on the cake. I'd give this one a 4/5 with the only drawback being the opponent could silence it and nullify the effect. That does mean that if Hunters run this card more decks will have to play silence and silence minions tend to be weak overall and over-costed so it could work out in favor of the Hunter.

Stargazer Luna

 This Mage legendary is very strong. I've seen many people saying it won't see play but if you compare it to Arcane Intellect which competes for it's spot I'd say it's better. While Arcane Intellect is a guaranteed( unless you get counter-spelled) 2 cards, that's it. This card comes with a 2/4 body and the potential for unlimited cards. While I'm sure this will be a removal target, I think you can reasonably expect to draw at least 2 cards with this in a tempo Mage deck. And you don't have the danger of fatiguing to death like Aluneth if you save it for a later turn. I'm giving Stargazer Luna 4/5, I expect her to see significant play.

Electra Stormsurge

 This card is amazing. Shaman has many spells that would love to have a double effect. Lighting Storm and Volcano spring to mind as total board wipes. Lava Burst for a 3 mana Pyroblast to close out a game, Hex to shut out a tall board, the possibilities are huge. I give this card a 5/5, very strong and at only 3 mana combos are easy to pull off.

Myra's Unstable Element

 Lets end this with the first of the new legendary spells. I'm sorry to say I'm not really that impressed with this one. On just straight effect it looks powerful, but what the card should really say is draw up to ten cards( usually less) and begin fatigue. It is a huge all in, if you burn an important combo piece you lose, if you can't kill your opponent quickly you lose, if you don't draw it until late-game it's useless, and it's a legendary which means you will only have one copy. Rogues don't really seem to have a problem with keeping their hands full, I'm sure this could be useful in the right combo deck ( maybe a Fal'dorei Strider theme or some kind of Togwaggle mill deck) but unless you are going to wait all game to make sure you don't burn a combo piece ( which defeats the purpose) you are basically just relying on luck. I'll have to see more of the Rogue cards to make a final judgement but as it stands I'd say 3/5, it has potential, but maybe not for another expansion or two.

 Thanks for reading, if you would like to read my thoughts on the rest of the set let me know below, Have a great day!


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