Hearthstone Arena: can't pass 11 wins :(
hearthstone players!
Another day means another arena run. By the way, I never pay for entry, nor have I ever paid for anything on Google play (except for SwiftKey before it was free).
I made a solid Mage deck today with 2 flamestrikes and 2 blizzards, and I even saw a third flamestrike that I turned down. I got to nine wins:
If you're not familiar with Hearthstone, arena is the format where you draft together a deck based on selection of one card from a choice of three cards. It's a lot like drafting a deck in magic: the gathering. If you win 12 times before you lose three times, you have mastered the arena. It's really difficult to do, at least I have never won twelve, but I've got 11 a few times.
when I do finally get 12 wins
You all will be the first to know!
Thanks for reading :)!!
Good luck with those 12 wins
Do you play?
No, never played that game before
If anyone is on hearthstone - add me: dirtydank (player # 1741)
Buen juego parece.