Health benefits of different foods

in #heatlh7 years ago

Hii.............dear friends. I hope that all of you are fine and good. Today my topic is about health benefits of defferent foods. Different foods have different benefits.

Health Benefits of foods??

A healthy diet is one of that helps to maintain or improve overall health. A healthy diet proveds the body with essential nutation. Fluid,adquate amino acid from protein essential fatty acid, vitamins , mineral and fibers.

Pic healthy body.


Health benefits of Meat Poultry and Fish.

: Meat, poultry and fish supply many nutrients. These include proteins, amino acid, fatty acid,vitamins, zinc,megnessum.
: Protein function as building blocks for bones muscles cartilage skin and blood. These are also building blocks for enzymes hormone vitamins. Proteins are one of three nutrients that provide calories. The other are fat and carbohydrates.
: Zinc is necessary for biochemical reactions and helps in thi immunity system.
: Magnesium is ued in building bones and in releasing energy from muscle.
: Iron is uesd to carry oxygen in the food. Many teenage girls and women in their child bearing year have iron deficicency anemia.
: EPA and DHA are omega-3 fatty acid found in varying amount in seefood. Eating 8 ounces per week of seefoood may help the reduce the risk of the heart disease.

Pic of meat.


Pic of Poultry Meat.


Pic of Fish Meat.


Health benefits Of Vegetables.

There are following heath benefits of vegetables.
:: Eating a diet rich in vegetables as part of an overall heathly diet may reduce the risk of heart disease include heart attack and stroke.
:: Eating a diet of vegetables as part of overall hathly diet may protect aganist certain types of cannery.
:: Diet rich in potassium may help to maintain heatlh blood pressure. Vegetables are source of potassium include sweete potatoes white potatoes white beans tomatos products beet greens soyabean lima bean spinach.
:: Dry fibers also from vegetables as part of an overal heathly diet may helps to reduce the blood cholesterol level and may reduce the risk of heart disease.
:: Fiber is important for proper bowest function. Fiber containing foods such as vegetables help provide a feeling of fulness with fewer caloriesnug.
:: Vitamin A keep eye and skin heathly and also protect against infections.
:: Vitamin C helps heal cuts and wounds and keep teeth and gums heathly. Vitamin C aids in iron absorption

Pic different vegetables.


Heath benefits of Fruits.

There are following benefits of Fruits.
::: Eating a diet rich in fruits may reduce the risk of stroke othet cardiovascular diesease and types 2 diabetes.
::: A fruit containing eating pattern is part of an overall heathly diet and may protect aganist certain canncers.
::: Fruits helps maintain optimum heatlh due to heath promoting phytochemicals it contains.
::: One to 2_1/2 cups of fruits are recommend each day depending on how much calorie you need

Pic different Fruits.


Heath Benefits of Beverages

Beverages like milk,red wine,hot coca and tea are considerd funcutional foods and shoul not be overlooked as a source of vital nutrients and antioxidants. Hot coca made with milk contain calcium and protein and helps enssure you get the recommend amount of milk each day which mot Americans fall shorts on.

Pic of berevages


Health benefits ofJuices.

There are following health benefits of juice.
::: Orange Juice. Prevent Inflammation
::: Lemonde juice. Thwarts kideny stones.
::: Grape juice. Bootos brain function.
::: Vegetable juice. Slashes canncer risk.

Pic of juices

##Some Fast foods.

Dry Fruits
