United States antagonized by China & Russia

in #hegemony5 months ago


America is in a position watching the two most powerful ethnocentric nations combining forces the way Germany and Japan did in WW2. China and Russia are contesting the Americans and allies that are the most powerful bloc in human affairs. Russia, a shell of what it once was, is attempting an expansion. China, far from what it once was, is seeking to command the same influence America has.

There is a misconception that Russia, and China are somehow the leaders of the global south who are revolting against the U.S empire. That is the furthest thing from the truth. The Global South is the Non-Aligned movement with very formidable members that will eventually pick a side if the rhetoric becomes overly hawkish. But for most it is nominal.

What China and Russia are attempting to do is disrupt America and the West in how they utilize the global south for their benefit that is essential to their success. Such as immigration solving labor shortages, outsourcing that solves regulatory issues, and exploitation of minerals fueling industries. Russia and China have no intention of nation building, they just want market share to better serve their respective nations.

This does have a positive effect on the world. The United States has no choice but to offer concessions and stymie these advancements. To most people the global south seems like a bad state of affairs, and it could be when lawlessness takes over.

But they are really people and nations in retainer. Which is why the West engages in accountability through multiculturalism. China and Russia don’t do that, and won’t do that. They are watching a system very broad compared to theirs, and encompass the whole of humanity on a far larger scale.

Since they can’t be partners, they decide to be the opposition. This is really putting things in perspective for America. If things were great and dandy these ethnocentric countries wouldn’t be confident that they could behave well enough to influence the global south to ditch the dollar.