Knowing your place as an heir.

in #heir7 years ago

Who are you? Who are you in Christ? Do you really know the power you have as a child of the Most High? That moment you received Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour you were adopted by God (Ephesians 1:5). Adoption in this case doesn’t mean the act of assuming the parenting of a child that belongs to another because before you became a child of your earthly parents, you were His child first. Before you were formed in your mother’s womb He knew you. (Jeremiah 1:5). So adoption in this case is God taking back His rightful heir. When you gave your life to Christ He sent His Holy Spirit to dwell on the inside of you. You need to understand that the Holy Spirit is God and thus God dwells within you.

First of all, your Heavenly Father is greater than any demon or affliction and they cannot dare to stand before Him. He is the omnipotent, omnipresent, all knowing, all-powerful, the ruler of this universe, I am that I am, Onise Iyanu, and the King of Kings, He is God, the creator of all things. I could go on all day, every day but let us move on, you get the gist.

Now, as an heir of such Greatness, how can you ever think that you are less than anything great? What is that thing you are letting defeat, weaken and scare you? Is it sickness, unemployment, examinations or the fear of your future? Truth is this, there is absolutely no need to feel defeated or scared because if your Father, our Father is a great God, and His Spirit dwells on the inside of us then we can do and accomplish any and everything we set our minds to do. But first there has to be a relationship. Its not just about forming a routine of reading the Bible for 5 minutes and extra 5 minutes prayer till the next time you remember to open the Bible again. There has to be intimacy, you have to let go completely and let Him have His way. You have to trust Him and have the God kind of faith. Once there is that relationship and Faith, you know that nothing can trouble or harm you, nothing can keep you down, and even if the Devil strikes, you know your joy is in Christ and the battle has been won.

This takes me back to when I was a child and had this mentality that as long as I was on a flight with my Father, then it could never crash. Never! I believed this so much that one time there was a serious turbulence, I remember how people were panicking and praying but I wasn’t worried or scared. The turbulence was so serious but I was not afraid, not even a little bit, I was absolutely alright even as I saw that everyone was panicking. Why? Because I was with my Dad and I strongly believed that as long as he was with me nothing bad could happen to me. Lol! Can you imagine such trust and faith in someone who has no control or power over the flight or anything in this world for that matter? I am sure you can relate to this someway or another, it may not be your Father or Mother; it may be an Aunt or a Friend. If you could have so much faith in that person how much more our Heavenly Father, the one who actually spoke the whole earth into existence, who actually has control over the things of this world and the best part is that His Spirit dwells on the inside of you.