Do you know that everyone in hell are all repented souls? see this.

in #hell-fire7 years ago (edited)

Let me shock you...
Do you know that everyone in hell are all repented souls?

Yes everyone in hell are repented.
Look at their prayers,

" O Lord show mercy... I am very very Sorry".

" O Lord, please give me second Chance "

"One more Chance Lord!!!".

Hmmm, but the bad news is this.

A repentance in hell is a repentance too late.

After death all your secret sins shall be revealed.
After death a cry for mercy and prayers of repentance will not be heard.

Hmm. In hell, the worm that bite doesn't die.
The fire mixed with acid doesn't quench
The groaning, deep wailing, sorrows, tears, weepings, doesn't end...

Can you pour a boiling water on your naked body? Can you place a finger in the fire of your gas for 20secs?
How would you feel if your whole(I mean, from your head to your toe.) is soaked in a flaming fire?
If a man will stay there for 10yrs it would be good...hmmm, " hell is a place of no return ".
The pains is from everlasting to everlasting!

Only Sin takes you their.
Masturbation, fornication, lying, hatred, unforgiveness, drunkenness etc... Only the sins you committed on earth without genuine repentance takes you there.

Cry now or you cry Later
Repent now or you do that Later when it will not be answered.

Hell is Real.

Mark 9: 47- 48.
47; And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire:
48; Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
