Please pass this along to everyone time is short needs to go viral

in #help7 years ago

First off i declined payout this isnt about money. Pass this message everywhere you can and start planning and organizing groups and make a real change. Edit it
Claim it as your own just spread the message and lets come up with the solutions and stop whatever is planned. No matter what religion race nationality social class you are what do we all have in common? We are all human, we all need money to live (we all pay taxes?Im american i dont know about all countries). Most of the human species is caring and would help people in need. There are those few though that are more worried about themselves have no regards for others and think they are more than others. Thafs fine to, to each his own long as your not doing damage to the planet or harming some one else. Sometimes as most of us need and want money we constantly think of how to get it and keep getting it. In america we use it as a way of keeping score lobbyist for corporations use it to buy politians for votes and laws that protectsI them from competion and prosecution all for more money and/or to keep making money. Money makes people do stupid things and sometimes the more of it you get the more narsistic become. Lately where i live there there is alot of talk about ww3,religous groups are talking about the end days, theres alot of fear porn every where and talks of new world order or some people just dont care about whats going on around them or the world and dont do any research themselves on controversial subjects or dont use brain, common sense, consious(the little voice that says something doesnt make sense) to find the flaws in stories we are told or research documents and laws backing up what people say. They keep there head in the sand. Everything i say please research it if your reading this you have the internet forget everything you were taught in school except how they taught you to do research and start with an open mind. Use several different sources and listen to you counsious, little voice whatever and find what the truth is to you from your perspective of other peoples perspectives of events and history. The truth is out there its available to any one that want to find it. Do you think thats why we say im going to find out the truth? Or They tell us to do research in school instead of searching for topics and facts on a particular subject about something they are teaching about. So people are good or bad most of us need money to live some think they need more than others some dont care about but have some or alot. Money can make good people do bad things can we agree? So this world we live in is good vs bad(evil if your religous) weve all heard money is the root of all evil. So why do we not get rid of it and the people that have used it for power and control remind people they are humans. Take back our countries from governments,tyrants, and the people, and corporations that have the most money, only because if there is any truth the above phrase that where will find and stop most of bad people and things they would do for money. Americans we have been kept busy and distracted for a long time. Laws were passed and things are in place to set up a totalirian rule under certain cicumstances. Unless your a person with your head in the sand(i beg you to pull it our and search for the truth)you have heard of read about some doomsday scenario with mass casualties. Religous peolp e call these time revelations other say its global warming some say nibru will hit us,super volcanoes nuclear war aliens the list goes on most of them are fiery deaths. First off if your religous have you read the whole bible yourselfI? How can yoy say its gods word when it was written by man and can be changed which is proven on by the different versions and translations. Im not saying theres not god or creator dont take it wrong it just the bible was written by men and revelations was prophecy it was somebody dream about the future phrophecy is not destiny anything can happen this doesnt have to be the end of days what if not to i personaly believe in a god creator higher power whatever. But if the holy book is wrong got left out or mitranslated why would you sit and wait for a rapture when you know men can manipulate the holy book? It could be made up for evil to get better control this time of tribulations and truth. Instead of helping stop the evil you wait to be taken away from it. Governments have made themselves like a god people worship it like a god. Most of the government were allowed to see and showed to keep us distacted and fighting each other instead of uniting arent here to help us or even care about us. With intetnet we dont need them we can all put our voices in on matters about our own lives. The government was set up to protect us and help us when america was founded but in between 1910 and 1920 america filed for bankrupcy the federal reserve was created who has been funding every war both sides since world war 1 and the people running the fed families were funding both sides of wars alot longer. Ww2 could have ended sooner if standard oil an american company stopped selling oil to the germans planes. If you agree that war is evil then there is proof that money is the root of all evil. Cause war makes lots of money especialy if you loan money to both sides. But wars between countries is just a roose and distraction. If mcdonalds can have a store in almost every country that should be a sign that somebody is collaborating somewhere. Money and value are imaginary things created for control over good people enterntainment industries were set up to.keep your mind occupied but theres truth in most of the songs and movies. Maybe thats why we say the truth is in plain sight. When you start searching for the truth it will find you. Just be prepared to go through the 12 steps of loss cause you will feel like you lost touch of reality when you start hearing all the lies that we have been told about ancient history and even the latest events and tragedys like the vegas incident. Americas military is strong and they are trained to follow orders and not to think about it. Like machines there oath is to the constitution but govenment now has say so over the constitution thinks to all the executive orders. So we need to remind them they are humans like us we have all been played by the people that hold the most money. President kennedy tried warning about secret societies running everythingin the most important speech ever he was shot a few months after giving it. He was also against the federal reserve and was trying to abolish it and get america out of bankrupcey tha we filed 40 or so years earlier the feds loans us money that our government uses for what they think is important then require its citizens to pay it back but we will never be out of debt. He also said that we would be able to control the weather soon 67 years later do you think the govenment stopped trying to control it or do you think we mastered it. If you believe in your country then you know we mastered it. Theres patents for weather modification going back to 1900. Ive digressed so much my point is we need to get rid of money remind people what being a human is about especially miltary pesonell and we got to not be scared of police and remind them there oaths are supposed to be to us and keep us safe from danger not help the government but stand up to it especially if there are over a thousand people protesting against the government. The government has its own armed people to protect it or the corrupt people in it. Cause there are good people in tbe government to the cops should be to make sure we are not hurt by the armed government response again cops are humans some ex miltary and trained like the miltary. The more we are told by all the shootings that could be fake by cops the more isolated and less human they become and the lessc chance we will have to stop whatever there end game is all the cards are on the table the truth is out there this is the last quarter were down a few points but there is still hope start think tanks lets pass ideas make plans and take action befriend police and re mind them of there oaths then military and remind them why the serve not gor country but there loved one and protecting them. Cause ths more artifial intelligence advances especially with the people that fund wars for more money and power no mattef the cost the more soldiers become espendable and wont be needed either post repost edit do what you neex but please spread and start talking about it and solutions. If you have any questions or want to debate this i will be glad to as long as you have an open mind and are not insulting love is the killer of evil love one another love your self and love the gift of your life. Expressing grattitude is powerful to. Claim this writing as your own and put it in your blogs or wall i dont care as long as it gets to everybody and we start organising we take cate of each other and stop spending money for one day and show the people in power we mean buisness and either come to compromises or take them out of power.


This was written in hurry on my cell phone again make the message your own we need change money has to go greed and corruption will follow. The 1% have think tanks to keep 99% supporting their 1% lifestyles. We make up there companies we are the bottom of the pyramid holding them up they have enough money to feed clothe and support every body but they wont its time to turn the pyramid upside down and they can either be crushed o r implode back in with the rest of us

I am sorry I couldn't read it. you need to learn formating. and then understand that it's not money that you earn but steem power, aka have power to up/downvote post you (don't) like.