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RE: Can't transfer steem out of steemit!!!

in #help7 years ago

I'm so sorry to hear your troubles, it sucks when it feels like the World is not in sync with us. Steemit has gotten more partisan, at least that's how it feels to me.

I've had a slow year, my one good arm finally gave up in March (severe tennis elbow and a ruined shoulder joint) so I've been using up what little I earned simply to live. I totally respect the care you take of 19!!! dogs, I have one old street dog who almost died from the tic disease this summer so I understand partly your expenses for their care. My Ben is better now but he needed a fair few trips to the vets.

I hope to be back working and playing sometime in February but until then it's rest rest and more rest = boredom.

I'll take a look on, what are your books called?

Much love to you my friend, I sincerely hope you turn the corner soon



Did you ever figure this out?

Figured it out; just gotta enter the exchange address - the "move funds to another steemit account" is misleading.

what is the exchange addess? eg, for Binance or say a hardware wallet (like SafePal).. how would we transfer Steem to a hardware wallet