
I agree it really is a shame because I felt this was a great topic to discuss as well and a post worthy of more input from multiple sources. It will grow for you I am sure with topics like this, its just hard to get people to drive in at time here because so much is going on for Steemit and booming so much.

I will buy a promotion for this topic, maybe later this month :) Also to try if it helps...

I have used the promotion deal, it helps to get it out there some but best way to get people involved I have found is by making connections out there by following like minds, chatting and making friends through comment conversations genuinely and the next thing you know you have a bunch of friends and backers for your posts. This only works through the community aspect the most, making real connections goes a long way for yourself and others. Can be a daunting task but well worth the efforts if you have the time to do so.