An explanation on Post Shilling
The problem: Not enough people reading
Everyone and I do mean everyone, is focused on creating content all the time. The way that plays out is that little echo chambers are created were a content creator is simply running out of ideas. He or she has no idea what to do next, what to write about, what to post. Why? Because it's been about the "me" a little too strongly.
I think it was Bob Dylan who said that the trick to being original is not letting people know your inspiration or something of the sort. Well, if it's good enough for Bob, it's good enough for me. One of the reasons why I don't stop posting one single day is because I read, I read a lot.
Over my almost one year tenure on this experiment of ours, I've collected a great list of authors I enjoy and reading ever single day. Some of them have become good friends, but overall, everytime there is a controversy, or an issue to be solved, I'm always looking forward to their input and default to checking their blogs.
Do you want to know what you should be posting about? You need to read more...
First Solution: Sharing in Groups
This was spearheaded by @shadowspub on Steemit Ramble. This once a week event has been very successful for quite a long time, and it's proven to do wonders for social networking.
If you've never participated of it, then you are missing out my friends. It's usually filled with very talented people and i've seen it last hours and hours. It's like an online party filled with avatars and silly images in chat.
Second Solution: Shilling in Groups
And this is basically the idea of group sharing, with one big change: You can't share your own post, you have to shill someone else.
What is the evil plan here? Very simple, this kind of forces peeps to go into the one tab that seems to die on every single community of Discord, the #shareyourpost channel (you know what I'm talking about), find a great post, read it with intent, and be ready to share it with everyone.
If the shiller is not a good shill, if he or she can't convince the group the post was read, understood, internalized or what have you... Then, the shiller can't possibly win any prizes. It's really that simple.
After the shilling session is over, the people who are participating of the are listed, emojis are casted and delegations are assigned. THIS is also a big difference/game changer/super ninja thing we started to do almost from the beginning.
For this last week, we had 1100 SP on the pool delegated out to people who shilled, beginning with @amymya who did a superb job and got 500SP for a week.
In other words
You get to share a great time with the community, you get to read an awesome post, learn from it, then share it with people who also care and then as if the experience was not awesome already, you walk away with STEEM power delegated to you... WHAAAAAAAAA
Only on Helpieland, but...
Honestly, this is one of the little ideas I think would be great if other communities incorporated as well. If people are just potatoing inside a discord server, and nobody knows each other, nobody cares, then I'm sorry to say... The community is not tapping into it's true potential. (a little @meano to close this up).
With this blockchainified explanation of what Post Shilling is, I will say goodbye for now, and a happy Saturday to you all.
• Alt Season 2 or just a departed Feline Leap?
• TGIF = Tyrannosaurus Gone Irreparable Fetid
• Dear Prophets of Doom
• An evil yet good Idea?... Someone Please do this... steal this idea from me!
I read a lot here. It's taking over my life!
Yeah me too... hence why I can't stop writing. It's not that I'm triggered or nothing, but I have opinions (like everyone) regarding other people's opinions and so on and forth.
Btw Steve are you on discord too?
I am on Discord, but not all the time. I'm steevc on there too, but not sure how you share a link
I think you raise something of utmost importance. There are not enough readers.
I love this idea of not sharing you own post. #postpromotion should be renamed #dropandgo and i am glad to be able to tell you other communities are moving to this type of share over post promotion.
With the current state of steemit, it is hard to find content. I have even resorted to creating my own data pull on certain criteria when looking for new authors and posts. Hopefully hivemind communities will help solve the problem of finding content. Then we might be able attract new readers.
I also feel that authors are not putting in the effort to use social media and tradational blog growth strategies to grow thier following and get exposure off steemit for their blogs.
All that aside, what you are doing is one step towards building a better steemit and addressing the problem by providing this solution. Awesome. More shillen less dropandgo 😀
Please copy us Paula... do the same on SteemCommunity's server, its fun...
With the decline of cryptos, many feel the drain that it's not worth engaging... but thanks for your efforts
I think reading posts should make up the larger portion of everyones time on Steemit, not only does it help you find inspiration for your own posts through comments on posts you share yourself and drive traffic back to your own blog.
Quite often I find while curating Steemit takes me on a journey through post comments, I will read a post, leave a comment and then read through the other comments - spot someone whose blog I have not visited for a while so check out their work. Same happens again and again.
#thealliance #witness
En este punto quiero expresarte que estoy de acuerdo con tus palabras, "No basta publicar a diario" como yo lo hago, es preciso leer el trabajo de nuestros compañeros; también es cierto que "no basta con entrar a discord", es importante participar en actividades como "exponer su post, comparte y comenta tu post, oleada de votos, lluvia de votos, curaciones colectivas" y tantas otras cosas que se nos ocurran para hacer crecer a nuestra plataforma, no solo publicando "contenido de calidad" en Steemit sino también leyendo y ofreciendo sus críticas a dichas publicaciones.
Gracias en nombre de todos los steemians por preocuparte en hacer de este lugar, un sitio mejor.
Thank you on behalf of all steemians for your concern to make this place a better place.
Between reading posts and answering comments one could fill a full day, but I get your point.
I treat muh Steemin like a job, you know? Maybe to my own detriment, as I currently make nothing out of it, but I'm very passionate about this.
I must admit, I didn't know what to expect last night but thoroughly enjoyed it. Will be more prepared for the next one though.
I never run out of things to write. In fact, I posted several times a day for more than a full year. However, now that nobody reads my fiction stories even though they take something like 3 hours to write.....I'm not feeling a lot of desire to put in effort without even being able to engage anyone over it.
I think your ideas here have merit, but I really would love to see a stronger desire in the community to read posts just for the sake of reading them. I think maybe stronger curation rewards are actually the answer. It doesn't make sense for everyone to upvote themselves and use bots. That is such a self-centered world..
We need to do something to make our world more altruistic.
Since that is not be standard Human Condition it makes sense to reward people for being altruistic and not reward them for being selfish. It's something that I hope we can work on in some of the future hard Forks.
I've often had conversation with @clayboyn regarding this very issue, i would also love to see better curation rewards. But honestly, this already has made a huge difference for us in @helpie - I would be more than happy to show you one day, let you swing by and see (hear) for yourself.
I'll check it out soon
Perhaps writing my next great fiction story
I will shill it there
Hi @meno, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I noticed that @meano doesn't exist on Steem. Did you mean to write @meno ?
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.you are the worse checky.. the worse.. you never get muh jokes.
This gave me a good, hearty chuckle!
@Checky — you’re bein’ a @meano! 🤣
Hmm checky didn't check you again :D
We're going to be so awful when free account creation comes.
you think so Poly.... i mean, they wont be able to make any monies, you still think they will make a bunch of useless accounts for nothing.?
Oh, I just mean you and me starting gimmick accounts. Somebody's got to start @meano and @snobdoucher and the rest.
hahahhahahha yes... snobdoucher for the win... i forgot about him, i missed him
hi @meno / meano :) ... Thank you for the shoutout.
I like the shilling concept you're using, very cool. Will try to drop in to see that in action.
I also like the concept that @buddyup does where participants are asked to write a post on the word of the week and then present them at their Drop in the Ocean show on Mondays. I've been participating there and enjoying the challenge of focusing on a particular prompt.
I still need to read more from great steemians both Indonesia and English post. read more learn more. I believe that I cannot write without read. Thank you @meno