SEC S20W4 || Etiopathogenic Anemias - Module 4

in #hematology-s20w48 hours ago (edited)

Defines Etiopathogenic Anemia

Etiopathogenic anemia is defined as a condition in which red blood cells in human body starts to dysfunction or starts to reduce in their numbers because of multiple factors and reasons.Etiopathogenic anemia comprises of Etio word meaning cause,patho-genic word meaning disease producing and anemia is RBC reduction.


If I talk about causes of this type of anaemia then it can be caused because of deficiency of different nutrients like Iron, vitamin B12 etc. if there are presence of some of the chronic diseases like kidney disease or arthritis then it may also cause this type of anaemia.

Major symptoms that you will notice after getting this type of anaemia will be fated weakness in your overall body after exertion or even without exertion as well as you may also feel that your skin colour is getting yellow day by day. If you are noticing some of the symptoms or all these symptoms in your body or at least four symptoms in your body then you should must go for bone marrow biopsy or CBC for diagnostic purpose.

Make a diagram of the maturation of the UFC-E


Aregenerative Anemia vs Regenerative Anemia

Some of differences between both types based on characteristics I am describing below;

CharacteristicsAregenerative AnemiaRegenerative Anemia
Bone Marrow FunctionDysfunction or unable to functionProperly functioning and actively responsive
Reticulocyte CountLow levels which are less than 2(<2%)High levels which are more than 2(>2%)
ErythropoiesisLess sufficientSufficient
CausesBone marrow dysfunction, chronic diseasesLoss of blood, heme breakdown, infections
Symptomslethargy, weakness, yellow skinFatigue, jaundice
TreatmentBased on addressing root cause, By transfusionBased on addressing root cause, Through iron supplements

Major difference

  • Aregenerative Anemia:

In this case bone marrow is not able to produce sufficient red blood cells.

  • Regenerative Anemia:

In this case bone marrow is producing properly and hence red blood cells are replacing lost or damaged cells.

Give suggestions in case of bleeding

  • If any part of your body is bleeding then first step you should take is to apply pressure through your hand(If bleeding is Minor)or through piece of cloth(If bleeding is too much) for 5-10 minutes or unless or untill bleeding settles down.After that elevate bleeding area more than level of your heart and then you should avoid moving that area.


  • If you are able to give first aid to a person then you can do it by cleaning that area with antiseptic and by applying antibiotic ointment and covering it with dressing but if you can't give first aid then you should immediately move that person to a nearby hospital.
  • You can call emergency services in your area in case of heavy bleeding and if trained person is available then you should apply tourniquet and at last hemostatic agents may be used if these are available.



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