The #hendrix22lovesyou Initiative! Steemit Can Help!

in #hendrix22lovesyou7 years ago (edited)

I'm @hendrix22 for those of you who don't know me yet. My name is Brendan Bowes and I live in Nova Scotia, Canada.


My wife @lyndsaybowes and I hate money. We always have and always will. We believe in people having their needs met. Let me explain.

The needs list


Where am I going with this?

This needs list is for non-violent communication. Almost like a rule book to giving empathy. I'm not a light worker, tree hugger or a granola and fig eater or whatever people like to call this. I'm more of a soul who suffers from existential depression and has always been searching for the answer to life. I tried using the #42 to solve all my problems but it didn't help lol.

I would like to help each and every person that I can get their needs met. I am starting a kind of charity but not, support group but not really, I don't know the name of what I want to do so I will explain.

The #hendrix22lovesyou Initiative!

I am starting the #hendrix22lovesyou Initiative effective immediately. I want to help! I need to help! I want people to create a post with a certain item or thing that they need. Not a shit post a real post explaining who you are, what you need, why you need it and what it would mean to you.


  • You're a single mother without much money and you have 2 children who's winter boots are to small or have holes in them and winter is coming.

  • If you need a cord of wood for your wood stove

  • Diapers for your baby

  • Soccer ball for your children

  • Birthday present money

Really anything is accepted and considered as long as it seems genuine and comes with a quality post.

How will this work

At first it will be a little bit difficult if the items are expensive because I only have 16,000 SP. I do however think if we build a little community and all work together to upvote a persons post who needs an item then it will be easier. We have to start somewhere though. If SBD's stay up at the current rate my upvote should be able to give you $20 - $25 USD after payout with nobody else helping out. That is enough for some diapers or a pair of winter boots for your toddler etc.

How you participate in requesting help

Create a post explaining who you are, what you need for yourself, family member, loved one, neighbour, stranger etc. Why you need this item(s) and what it would do for you or how it will change your life for the better.

Tag the post (preferably the first tag) #hendrix22lovesyou and I will frequently check the posts and upvote accordingly.

How to participate in helping upvote

This part is extremely easy. If you have some extra upvotes and are looking to unload some VP on some good people who need real items this is what you do.

Go to:

Read the posts submitted by Steemians and upvote some of them to help them out with getting their needs met.

Will it work?

I can't guarantee this will work, it depends on the items I guess. I mean if you need diapers for your baby just my vote alone is enough to help you so yes it will work. If you need a airplane ticket from Australia to the USA my upvote will not help very much at all.

I hope to see some people getting their needs met and lives changed very soon and to making new friends. I'm here on Steemit for the long haul and always looking to build and help communities grow. Steemit is a fantastic place and can help everyone! Let's make change!

Love you all


Im on board. I dont have much to donate here, but will donate to you and others and i know youll pass it on

Always supporting everything. You're the best @michaelevans :)

The Bowes family is the best! My journey on Steemit started with you, then @lyndsaybowes, @wwf, @karenfoster, @eddiebowes, @marionbowes and more! My life is blessed being here and it is nothing short of amazing what you all bring here to Steemit!

This is a very noble initiative. But, I'll be honest with you. It's a bit stupid. I'll try to explain. Do good, helping others very well. But, it's good when you really help those who need it. On the Internet it is very difficult to verify. I'm afraid that under this tag many false requests for financial assistance will be published. I'm not trying to talk you out. But, how is your initiative #thegoodnews? It's great, and I think it's better to support it. In any case, be careful! Good luck.

Это очень благородная инициатива. Но, я буду с Вами честным. Это немного глупо. Попытаюсь объяснить. Творить добро, помогая другим очень хорошо. Но, это хорошо, когда Вы помогаете действительно тем, кто нуждается. В интернете это очень сложно проверить. Боюсь, что под этим тегом будет публиковаться много ложных просьб о финансовой помощи. Я не пытаюсь Вас отговорить. Но, как Ваша инициатива #thegoodnews? Она великолепна, и я считаю, что лучше поддерживать ее. В любом случае, будьте осторожны! Удачи.

I understand why you would think it's stupid but let me further explain my reasoning. Considering I actually only physically know around 5-10 people on Steemit then the chance of everyone being a scam is very high. There is not much difference between somebody creating a post about economics, cryptocurrency, traveling or homesteading etc and a post about their baby needing food or toddler needing snow boats.

Scams and scammers will always be present as long as their is something to be gained (fiat). In a world of abundance such as "The Venus Project" by Jacque Fresco scammers would become obsolete since there would be nothing to be gained.

If we look at some top charities in the world we will discover the amount paid to the CEO's is extreme considering we pay money to help people who are in need not to purchase Ferrari's for the CEO's.

Brian Gallagher - CEO - United Way Worldwide
$1,166,454.00 - 2015 for example.

So in all do respect I don't even know who you are @cranium and you could be a scammer. You could have 100 Steemit accounts and making tons of money or you could be a real good person.

If 9 out of 10 people I upvote in the #hendrix22lovesyou tag are scammers then so be it. 9 people will have to live with the fact that they are takers and not givers. There souls will know that they took from those that need. I will know that I did nothing wrong and my soul will be comforted knowing that I fed a starving baby in Palestine, bought a toddler boots in Boston, a soccer ball for children in Brazil etc

So I will continue this effort even if it's stupid and also #thegoodnews as well

Here, here! Yes we can never truly know if what someone is posting is true. We just have to go with our how we view things and hope others are as honest as we ourselves are. I agree your soul will flow from the effort of giving to those in need. If in turn those people misled you that is on their soul. I cannot wait to see what good comes out of this. Way to go!

Thank you! I have faith in this project! :)

Me too, it is a wonderful idea @hendrix22

You are right, I was also a fraudster, I had a couple of accounts, and I took part in various sports competitions, increasing my chances, and very often I won. But they brought me only small awards. And only after I confessed it, began to actively comment, giving users feedback, my work was noticed @fulltimegeek and I received one of the most valuable gifts in my life - the delegation of 5000SP. So, that I understand you. I'm sure your kindness will come back to you !!! Good luck and goodness.
PS. I hope the phrase "Good luck and goodness" in English makes sense?

Вы правы, я также был мошенником, у меня было пару учетных записей, и я принимал участия в различных спортивных конкурсах, повышая этим свои шансы, и очень часто выигрывал. Но это мне приносили лишь маленькие награды. И только после того как я в этом сознался, начал активно комментировать, давая пользователям обратную связь, мой труд был замечен @fulltimegeek и я получил один из самых ценных подарков в своей жизни – делегацию 5000SP. Так, что я Вас понимаю. Я уверен, Ваша доброта Вам обязательно вернется!!! Удачи Вам и доброты.

I am well aware of those accounts my friend. I forgave you and you didn't even know that I knew. I appreciate your opinions and always welcome you to my blogs @cranium.

PS. I hope the phrase "Good luck and goodness" in English makes sense?

Still doesn't really make sense. What are you trying to say? Can anyone translate this phrase differently lol @cranium and I have been talking about this for 2 weeks lol

At last that I found something resembling. Here, approximately what I wrote.
"Good luck to You and kind"

A-fucking-men. 1 upvote means little to help another person out but it could mean something to that person.. even if everything is 90% scam... don't look at the negative.. instead focus on the 10% that you helped.. look at the positive..

The glass is half empty OR half full depending on your perspective and attitude

Totally agree man!!

Wonderful response. That's like letting your energy flow and because the driving force is your good intentions the energy will 'naturally' find its just place and person. May you succeed in achieving your goals through #hendrix22lovesyou

Hey hendirx! I have written something for the initiative. Please find time to read this


I understand what you're saying but I do not even remotely think this is stupid. For example, if I'm out and a homeless person ask me for money, I always give if I have cash on me. They ay be collecting money to go buy smack, they may be a full time begger, I mean it does pay more than minimun wage. There's a danger in everything in life, however it's never stupid to do this sort of thing. It is the act of kindness that counts. This could become contagious and help an evolution of sharing. Will it get rid of the monetary system? no. Will it get rid of negative human nature, such as scammers? no. But it will make Brendan's soul more complete along with everyone else who upvotes to help those in need, of which there are many.

Agreed!!! Thank you :)

What a wonderful thing for you to do! I would think this could fall under #OpHumanAngels as well yes? It's awesome to me that you are doing this (although, not surprising as you and @LyndsayBowes are truly incredible people)'s because of Lyndsay that I am here. I had seen her post about it quite a bit and then she private messaged me after I posted on Facebook trying to sell gift cards I got for Christmas to pay bills. Steemit might really help me in my current situation...I can only imagine how it might help others as well. <3

Thank you for being here, for taking the leap and for adding quality, heartfelt content to the blockchain!! <3 <3 <3 <3 You are awesome, and very valued Taylor!

How sweet of you! I definitely try to post things that have meaning. You are awesome as well! So many incredible people I have added over the years because of you and I don't regret a single one. I learn from them And they all radiate great energy. You attract Wonderful people my friend. I am forever grateful for your influence in my life. 💓

We are all glad you came to Steemit @taylorleigh1111 !!!! :) Steemit is helping you and we will help others as well. Thank you so much for your support!

Absolutely and always! 💓 Anything I can do to help! So grateful for you guys!!!

This is a wonderful initiative, really admire you for doing it. Well, I understand there will always be spammers and those who are takers but the world does not end here and I am totally in agreement with you. If I take my example, I run a travel blog and community forum promoting responsible travel in the remote Himalayas by doing small, small causes up there and help the locals living a harsh life up there in one way or the other. Every year we take a large group of tourists/travellers giving our knowledge and contacts to them plus an expert company in those remote regions. We would promote the responsible travel by showing them how we travel, do's and dont's and then will ask them to mandatorily participate in executing some causes like distributing school stationaries for local children of those remote villages, helping distribute sanitary pads and make women aware about the benefits of it, help some Buddhist monastery get an equipment, etc.. All in all everyone has to contribute to some cause individually so that that feeling of responsible travel and spreading smiles by doing causes grows in them. We expected only 10% of people participating in those Mega Meets change and continue to travel in that manner, however, the results in last five years have been beyond expectations !!

Like someone said, where there is will there is a way. We followed and succeeded. Yes, there are takers and there will always be takers but that shouldn't stop us from doing good deeds and noble causes....

I will surely write few posts on the topics to raise some money for those remote Himalayan village children whom we can buy some stationary for his school year that cannot be afforded by them or an article on a buddhist monastery looking to get a heater or a water geyser fitted in their bathrooms to beat the cold. I will check with my local contacts and write the articles. Thank you for providing the opportunity !!

Will always keep some of my voting power for your lovely initiative to participate in this noble cause. Could not help myself to upvote and resteem this post !!


That's awesome!! I really like your traveling "Mega Meets" and it sounds like you guys are changing a lot of peoples lives. I totally agree there will be takers but I'm not bothered by it in the least. Those who need it should have the opportunity to receive it regardless. I think that a lot of the "homeless" or "Houseless" people are in the situation they are because of lack of opportunity.

Totally, agree. Just got off from the phone after talking to few locals from Ladakh and Spiti in the Himalayas. Will be posting a couple of articles on the weekend in this series of "needs" connection to raise funds for them.

Thank you for providing this wonderful opportunity which will help us spread more smiles in the Himalayas!!

Looking forward to them!

This is awesome - let's give your Buddhist friends a heater and the kids some stationary. What a wonderful start to this beautiful initiative! Upvoted

It's going to be so great @sallybeth23. Thank you for wanting to take part.

Thank you for coming forward to support it. You can expect a couple of articles from my side over the weekend for the same series.

Excellent. I am sure donations will flood in 💛⭐️☀️🌈

I love how much you've been involved already. You're the best!!! :)

Giving and helping people is one of the fastest paths to enlightenment and nothing makes me feel better so it is an absolute joy to be presented with this fabulous opportunity. I am really looking forward to reading the posts of those we can help. Tears of bliss will follow - thank you thank you thank you 🌈🦋🌴☀️🦋🔥💚

Support will be here!!! :)

You both @hendrix22 and @lyndsaybowes are such giving and loving souls. That right there is such a Gemini thing and also human thing to do. But what else can we expect from you both #hendrix22lovesyou and #ophumanangels and so relevant. I will do what I can with my meager upvote to help all I can. Such a wonderful post. Thank You <3<3

Glad you feel the same way as me @seareader1! Gemini I am lol. I must give or I don't feel right! ;)

Yes I indeed do feel the same way as you. Giving completes us in a way other things do not.

#hendrix22lovesyou!! I love it!!! :) :) :) I'll help with upvotes too, good job B <3 <3 <3


I'm in to help upvote. I'm also a believer in the Venus project. 😁

Awesome!!! We love "The Venus Project"! Looking forward to this changing some lives.

You're so kind Brendan! I will put in my two cents, haha :)

Hahahahah! Thanks Amy! :)

Honestly, I was hoping to see someone in the community do something like this. Thank you for giving other people a voice, especially those that might not have a lot of popularity in general!

It has to be done. People need help sometimes in such a small way that others wouldn't even think it was a big deal. I've been at rock bottom with no options left. I think a bag of diapers would have grew my heart 3 sizes that day. Thanks for realizing what this truly means and can do for people.

cant help much with upvoting i think its under 0,05, and not quite sure about my resteem reach - weekend steemian here, but if you need any kind of infantry job to be done for this cause, jut drop a message, id be glad to be of help.

Hey well thank you so much. I'll be sure to remember that. I feel that this will be a really good thing for a lot of people. Thank you buddy!