SLC S21 Week 1 - A Comprehensive guide to Herbal Medicines

in #herbalmed-s21w14 months ago (edited)

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Research Assignment: Research and write a history of herbal medicine in your culture or region. (2 marks)

Herbal medicine is as old as our tradition. Before the invention of modern medicines and the evolution of pharmaceuticals, traditional medicine, which finds its root in herbals had been in use. This is where our so-called native doctors derived their sources/roots from.

Before modernization, urbanization, and the wide adoption of Western medicine in my country, traditional medication was invoked. They were a proliferation of traditional or native doctors who were also feared due to their mystical powers. However, they are proficient in treating their patients with herbal mixtures.

In the 1800s, the knowledge of herbal medicine was passed down to succeeding generations since it was the only means of getting sickness handled. Traditional herbalists and healers leveraged plant products to get their mixtures ready for treatment.

The use of Agbo has been immemorial and still serves the purpose of treating fever and malaria. So many depended on this concussion and are still doing so to the present.

Comparison Task: Create a table comparing the benefits and side effects of modern medicines vs. herbal medicines for common ailments (e.g., cold, headache). (2 marks)
illness typeBenefits (Modern MedicnesSide Effects (Modern medicines)
Cold_FluGives quick relief in steaming symptomsDependence causes, overuse and affects the organs
FeverGives Quicker relied on by reducing body temperatureContinuous use brings risks to kidneys and liver
TyphoidUse of antibiotics, bring quicker relief and stops fever achesDigestive disorders, difficulty passing faeces
Aches/TraumaIbuprofen and paracetamols are fast solutions to bringing calmnessAbuse affects the organs, kidneys, and liver.
HBP/LBP (Blood pressure)Brings fast responsesCauses dependency, abuse may be too risky
Herb Identification: Choose 3 herbs from your kitchen, like mint, ginger, or turmeric, and list their health benefits. Mention the recipes where you have used these herbs. (2 marks)

These are the commonly used herbs in my kitchen;

  • Ginger
  • Garlic
  • Turmeric
Benefits of Ginger

Ginger is one plant root that has become a daily ingredient for me while making my meals. It adds this unique flavor to meals that make them alluring. Let us see other health benefits of using these plant roots;

a. Digestive Relief to our Body: Ginger is one herb that helps alleviate indigestion and nausea and has been widely used. The anti-inflammatory properties in it help achieve this role. We could see how much it was used during the COVID-19 era, when warm water teas and parboiling of roots for other mixtures were made to combat flues and for immune boosters.

b. Pain Relief: This herb contains gingerol and shogaol properties that help reduce pain and inflammation. Women peel off the back, soak in hot warm, and sip during menstrual cycles to help relieve cramps.

c. Cold and Flu Relief: The COVID-19 period was a reminder of how important this herb could be. It was a savior to many homes who wanted to up their immune and as well fight the flu and viruses. Its antimicrobial properties help to do this for us. It could also help handle coughs and sore throats.

Others include its Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory properties.

Benefits Garlic

a. Help in cardiovascular health by handling cholesterol levels, blood pressure, blood clotting

b. Help boost immune systems with the presence of antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal properties

c. Help in cancer prevention. Incidences of colon, prostate, and breast cancers are drastically reduced.

d. Also, help's handles our digestive health.

Benefits Tumeric

a. Help treat and handle inflammatory conditions. The curcumin properties in the herb help reduce these symptoms.

b. It has antioxidant properties that help protect us from cell damage. This helps reduce diseases accruing from cancers, diabetes, and cardiovascular.

c. These herbs help slow down the envisaged activities of neurodegenerative diseases in humans; however, they improve cognitive functions.

d. Supports both digestive and heart health.

Forms of Herbs: Write about the different forms of the herbs. (2 marks)
Tincture Form

This is one form of herbs we see commonly in the streets. We see a particular tribe in my country known for traditional practices who hawk this product on the street. The tincture product is usually a means by which herbs are soaked in an alcoholic solution to bring out all their potency before use. They seem to be effective for those who patronize them.

Oil and Extracts Form

Essential ingredients or properties of a given herb are extracted for direct human use. This ingredient is known to be more potent during treatment. Oils could be used for direct application to skin for treatment and improvement of skin problems.

Teas Form

We have semi-processed herbs made in the form of tea bags. They are mixed or soaked in hot solutions to bring out all properties. Most of our superstores these days now have different herbal brands on their shelves.

Paste Form

I could remember growing up when we used plant fluids to stop little bleeding from wounds. They are quizzed out from plants and used broken skin. They are also used to treat infections.

Safety Report: Pick one herb and research any potential side effects and how to avoid them. (2 marks)
Ginger Side Effects

Though there are countless benefits we could attribute to this herb type, we shouldn't be weary of its side effects.

  • It causes Stomach Upset
  • ginger causes abdominal pain sometimes we notice symptoms of diarrhea
  • Some also complain of heartburn and bloating
  • It may also cause allergy.
  • some of its properties may interact with other medications. Those on blood pressure medics should be aware of this.
  • Likely causes hypotension and also complications during surgery sessions.
Precautions to avoid these effects
  • We have to stop the consumption of ginger before a surgery session. This should be done at least two weeks before the booked date.
  • We should be conversant with our blood sugar levels and blood pressure levels before continuous usage. This is to especially reduce crises and hypotension.
  • We should always start with smaller doses of ginger. About 1 or 2 inches should be used at a period if we must consume this raw herb.
  • We should always wait for our body's responses. This would help bring caution during use.

Thank you, friends, and especially to the organizer @afzalqamar.

I invite @rosselena, @chant, and @ngoenyi, to the contest.


Saludos amigo muchas gracias por la invitación la medicina natural o herbaria tiene un origen muy antiguo m y desde entonces se ha usado en todo el mundo ya que sus efectos han Sido comprobados científicamente por eso son usados
Le deseo mucha suerte en su participación