RE: SLC S21 Week 3 - Herbal Medicine in the Kitchen
Engaging in wellness activities in easy feasible approach can be made in kitchen through the use of herbal medicine. In the course of this paper I will discuss various culinary herbs and spices commonly used in the kitchen, like the basil, thyme, rosemary and oregano to mention but a few have health benefits that have been utilized for many years by many cultures. For instance, ginger helps in digestion and has anti-inflammatory properties, garlic provides antimicrobial as well as antioxidant qualities, and a host of other benefits to the heart. When these herbs are incorporated in the meals we cook, not only do we add spiced up taste, but we are also giving our bodies a boost of nature’s medicine. Such herbs can be very easily added into teas, soups or even a glass of milk or juice in form of a smoothie for a healthier lifestyle. Now, it serves as a reminder that medicine isn’t always something you can buy at the pharmacy—what you’ll find in your own home is often just as effective.