SLC S21 Week 5 - Herbal Remedies for Respiratory Health, Iron Deficiency, and Blood Pressure Control

in #herbalmed-s21w525 days ago (edited)

Hello my steemian fellows! I warmly welcome you to the season 21 of the Steemit Learning Challenge. This is the week 5 and today we will learn about the Herbal Remedies for Respiratory Health, Iron Deficiency, and Blood Pressure Control.


Herbs for Resiratory Support

Respiratory health has always been appreciated by herbs. Some of the plants contain anti-inflammatory compounds, control the production of mucus, and relax the irritated respiratory tracts. Here are some herbs which are useful for the respiratory support:

Marshmello (Althaea officinalis)


For centuries, marshmallow root powder remained an ingredient in folk medicine remedies used for treatment of the diseases of respiratory tract, namely their inflammatory processes.

Mechanism of action:

  • Mucilage: Mallow root contains a high concentration of mucilage that possesses a gelling property that can coat and soothe the mucous membranes. Either taken as a mallow root infusion you can relief the throat and lung surface and minimise cough threshold and sore throat incidence.
  • Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Properties: It reduces swelling in the airway passages. This is helps with bronchitis and asthma or even a common cold.
  • Cough Suppressant: It can also be a very mild expectorant, promoting the relaxation of mucus, one's airways.

Common Use in Respiratory Health: The herb has been used more for coughs, colds, sore throats and bronchitis. Such cases are effective to both dry and wet coughs and can be mixed with other sweet roots like licorice and thyme for better results.

Cordia latifolia (Indian Borage / Borana)


The Indian Borage also known as Cordia latifolia is a plant widely used in native medicine. This is especially useful in the treatment of respiratory diseases including asthma, bronchitis and upper respiratory tract infections inclusive of some causing a productive cough.

Mechanism of Action:

  • Expectorant: Cordia latifolia leaves are said to have some expectorant effect in that they help to clear any excessive mucus from the lungs. This is a relieving action in the case of congestion and is helpful in conditions with production of excess mucus such as bronchitis and asthma.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Contributes to the reduction of not only the diameter of the airsways but also the edema in the airways.
  • Antiallergic: It is also helpful for the allergic attacks of the respiratory system. Sometime we suddenly startr coughing ior sneezing due to allergic reaction. It is help ful for such attacks.
  • Antimicrobial: It is possible to say that it has also a therapeutic advantage for the antimicrobial. It helps to treat asthma, bronchitis as well as helps to relieve respiratory infections.

Application in Disease Conditions Associated with Breathing Existing Prior to Treatment: The herb had been used for relentless dry coughs and some other obstructive airway creased conditions such as asthma and bronchitis, asthma, expectoration. It is useful for other diseases of the respiratory system.

Achyranthes aspera (Prickly Chaff Flower)


Achyranthes aspera or Prickly Chaff Flower also contributes in the cure of the respiratory issues. This is yet another medicinal plant widely exploited in Ayurveda for numerous other ailments, most notable for cough, asthma, and infections of the respiratory tract.

Mechanisms of Action:

  • Expectorant and Bronchodilator: The dried aerial parts of Achyranthes aspera have expectorant effects facilitating the movement or escape of mucus from the respiratory tracts. It is also claimed to have a bronchodilatory effect enabling easy breathing by returning the air passage and keeping it open.
  • Anti-inflammatory: It aids in the diminishing the airsways even the swelling of the inner linings of the airways.
  • Antiallergic: It is effective in allergic conditions especially both in bronchial asthma and in upper and lower respiratory tract infections.
  • Antimicrobial: Achyranthes aspera is also one more herb that is known to have antimicrobial properties. That goes hand in hand with helping to control bronchial asthma and bronchitis and reducing infections in the lungs.

Applications in existing disorders of the pulmonary system: The plant has been applied in examples cough as a dry cough of a chronic nature and indisposed body resistance to breathing in certain types of obstructive pulmonary diseases i.e. asthma and bronchitis. It is most commonly consumed through heating in water until the powder disperses as a powder or as part of a lung protective herbal formulation.

Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) aids in the repair of inflamed membranes within the mucous and helps loosen up any lodged phlegm, which is useful in treatment of dry or wet cough and bronchitis.

Cordia latifolia acts as an expectorant as well antiinflammatory properties and antimicrobial properties hence assisting the cough and asthma relieving functions of the respiratory system.

Achyranthes aspera has bronchodilator and expectorant uses thus relieving airway inflammation and promoting lung function in conditions such as asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory conditions.

All these herbs are particularly important for easing the functions of the airways burdened with congestion and mucus and suffering from inflammation. These herbs may be used singly or in combination with other herbs in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Formation of the Respiratory Support Remedy

Here is the step by step guide to prepare a remedy which is helpoful for the respiratory problems. I have used these herbal ingredients for this respiratory support remedy:

  • Marshmallow
  • Achyranthes Aspera
  • Sugar or Honey
Marshmallow5 gram
Fresh Achyranthes Aspera10 gram
Sugar/HoneyAs required
Water1.5 cups


Here you can see that I hav etakene these herbal ingredeients to make their tea. Please keep in mind that this quanity is for the preparation of 1 cup remedy. If you have fresh Achyranthes Aspera then wash it completely and try to take the healthy leaves.


Now while moving to the next precudre I have added all the ingredients except sugar in the water. Now I am boiling it in the water. Pleae boil it for about 7-10 minutes. After this it will be ready to use.


After the completion of the boiling procedure now the water colour has also changed which is the sign that water has extracted the effect of the ingredients in it. Now we need to make it cool because drinking hot can spoil our tongue.


As it is ready now so I have filtered it. You can also filter it for the drinking purpose. I have added a required amount of suagr in it to make its taste better. And I gave it to one patient of respoiratory problem.

Benefits of this tea

The benefits of this tea are many, I am going to briefly describe it for dry cough asthma, it immediately stops the attack, it releases the congealed phlegm, it is very useful for dry cough.

It is also excellent for sore throat. It is also used during cold and cough. This tea also eliminates lungs inflammation due to which breathing becomes easier.

Herbs for Iron Deficiency

The problem of iron deficiency has become common and, as a result, some plants and food substances have been recognized to combat this problem in the human body. Let's see how Nigella sativa (Black Seed), Spinach and Raisins help to tackle iron deficiency.

Nigella sativa (Black Seed)


Also referred to as black seed or black cumin in the western nations, Nigella sativa has been known for its several health benefits including an increase in the levels of iron in the blood for quite some time.

Mechanism of Action for Iron Deficiency:

  • Rich Source of Iron: Black cumin contains a percentage of iron and it is the great source of the iron for the body. It is very well known for its benefits.
  • Enhances Iron Absorption: Also,one of the advantages of Nigella sativa is the capability to facilitate the uptake of iron from different meals. In this scenario, it is understood that high quantity of antioxidants mainly thymoquinone promote the absorption level of iron found in the plant sources (iron which is non-heme) which is usually difficult to take in.
  • Contributes to Enhanced Hemoglobin Synthesis: Black seed has some weak hematopoietic effects which could enhance the production of hemoglobin, the red blood cells' protein which facilitates transport of oxygen. This is beneficial particularly for treatment of anaemia and its prevention for those individuals at risk due to lack of iron.

Common Use for Iron Deficiency: Different forms of Nigella sativa are available that can include powder of the seeds, oil or as evident supplements. Iron-containing foods are often consumed alongside these supplements to improve iron absorption. The oil or powder form of the seeds can be mixed with smoothies, teas or used in cooking.

Spinach (Spinacia oleracea)


Spinach is generally looked upon as a highly nutritious food containing an assortment of vitamins and minerals. It is most famous, however, for being one of the green vegetables with the highest iron content.

Mechanism of Action for Deficiency of Iron:

  • Iron Content: Iron content includes both hem- and non heme iron but spinach provides mainly non-heme iron. Non-heme iron is not as readily utilized by the body as heme iron contained in meat and meat related products. This notwithstanding, spinach in addition to other sources, can still help augment one's daily iron allowance.
    Without a doubt the most well-known vegetarian dish associated with iron is spinach. One of the main reasons it is so widely used is because it contains oxalic acid, which to some extent inhibits the absorption of iron when consumed in excess together with particular food products. For better iron absorption from spinach, it is wise to eat other sources of iron enhancing vitamin C such as oranges tomatoes bell peppers etc. Iron is available in its organic form through various foods such as iron-rich cereals and their derivatives out in the market today.

  • Content of Vitamin C: Spinach is rich in sources in Vitamin C, which is essential for proper absorption of non-heme iron. Proponents of such an idea argue that beans and vitamin C rich foods increase spinach iron absorption. For instance, while making a recipe with spinach, it may be useful to add iron enhancing ingredients like oranges or capsicum. The addition of other things with this will enhance the effecty more.

Every Spinach Eats Anemia. Foliated leaves are most used as salad vegetables and eaten raw by many people having in mind cultural acceptability norm. This cultural practice is stubbornly deep -rooted in many countries and cooking of vegetables is deferred or simply dishes prepared with vegetables avoid adding starch. Good combination of various Vitamin C foods such as oranges and tomatoes all-purpose would ensure better absorption of iron from the spinach.

Raisins (Dried Grapes)


Raisins are dried grapes containing a lot of natural sugars and nutrients and are highly known to be a good source of some minerals like iron.

Mechanism of Action for Iron Deficiency:

  • Iron-Rich: Raisins, which are good sources of natural iron, are also very useful in increasing iron levels especially in those suffering from iron deficiency anemia. Well the iron content in raisins is not that high when compared with many iron-rich foods, it will help in the daily intake for iron especially when taking as a snack or added to some dishes on regular bases.
  • Rich in Other Nutrients: Raisins also contain iron absorption enhancers such as vitamin C (not in huge amounts) and copper. copper is a trace element that is crucial in the functioning of some enzymes necessary for iron management.
  • Antioxidants: Consequently, the health education of functional foods do contain a variety of bioactive-rich foods such as raisins which are sources of iron, polyphenols which are antioxidants that can protect red blood cells against oxidative stress and support the proliferation of healthy red blood cells in the body.

Common Use for Iron Deficiency: Raisins can be consumed as a quick snack, or can be added to cereals, salads, or baking mixtures. They can also be taken alongside food with high iron content to help increase the overall levels of iron consumed. It is recommended that people who want to eat raisins benefit of more nutrients should do so by soaking them in water overnight.

  • Nigella sativa (Black Seed): It has iron, and iron promoting properties and even enhances hemoglobin production; hence, it is beneficial in the treatment of low iron levels in the body.

  • Spinach: Another source of non-heme iron from plants, spinach is relaxed for its vitamin C content pensioned to aid in the uptake of iron. It is an all-around dietary and rich in iron level improvement content particularly when taken with other foods containing vitamin C.

  • Raisins: They may be low in iron, but raisins are a substantial food group for iron enhancement and they also have Vitamin C, copper, antioxidants among others, which assist in iron metabolism and formation of red blood cells.

These foods and herbs when taken together certainly assist in the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency. Nevertheless, it should be noted that for these to be effective, they should be incorporated into a well-balanced diet that promotes the absorption of iron and that a medical practitioner should be consulted for further information in cases of severe iron shortage or anemia.

Herbs for the Control of Blood Pressure

Throughout history, people have also used herb therapy for management of blood pressure either for high or low. In this aspect, let us examine the medicinal herbs which have potential to bring back blood pressure to the normal level.

High Blood Pressure Treatment (Hypertension)

Cumin Seeds


Cumin is used in some ethnic cuisines and traditional medicines for a good number of centuries mainly owing to its effect on the problem of blood pressure.

Explanation of How Cumin Helps Control Blood Pressure:

  • The weak diuretic action: Therefore, it is effective in curbing the excess amounts of water retained in the body, and as a result reduces the total blood volume, which eventually leads to a drop in one's blood pressure levels.
  • Anti Inflammatory and Antioxidant role: This is because cuminaldehyde and flavonoids present in cumin which are antioxidants protect the heart health by alleviating the inflammation of blood vessels and the oxidative stress that causes high blood pressure.
  • Widening of Blood Vessels: Cumin has been said in some research studies to possess the ability to widen blood vessels and therefore reducing the vascular resistance and blood pressure because less pressure will be exerted to move the blood.

Common Use: Most people employ cumin seeds as a cooking ingredient or spice in heailing teas.In a more effective manner, Ground cumin or Cumin powder may also be incorporated in smoothies or salads.

Coriander Seeds


Coriander seeds and more importantly the whole plant, is widely used in Ayurveda and popular medicine to cure various conditions. It very useful to lower the high blood pressure.

System for Regulating Blood Pressure:

  • Diverse Kidney Stimulator: As the coriander seeds also act as diuretic spices and assist the body in eliminating excess sodium and fluid hence aid in management of blood pressure.
  • Anti-oxidants And Blood Pressure Reducing Properties: Antioxidants found in Coriander seeds are responsible for the prevention of the ruination of the blood vessels useful in food consumption and aids also in performing blood flow into the blood vessel controlled which is essential for blood pressure control.
  • Calming Effect: Coriander is also said to have a very mild effect which is sedative in nature and thus helps to control stress which is one of the factors that causes high blood pressure.

Common Use: Coriander seeds can be soaked in heated water to produce tea or crushed into powder form for use in a number of dishes. The seeds are also taken as mock mixture for spices flavour.

Rauwolfia Serpentine Roots


Rauwolfia serpentine is an easily available herb in Ayurveda and other traditional medicines for the management of elevated blood pressure in individuals with hypertension.

Mechanism for Blood Pressure Control:

  • Alkaloids like Reserpine: The roots contain an alkaloid called reserpine that acts on the central nervous system in order to decrease blood pressure. It causes the depletion of the norepinephrine molecule in the brain thus enabling expansion of blood vessels, with a resultant decrease in heart rate and blood pressure levels.
  • Calming and Sedative Effects: Rauwolfia has relaxing effects on the central nervous system which reduces stress, one of the causes of high blood pressure.

Common Use: Rauwolfia is generally used in powdered root, capsules, and tablets forms, but due to its effects and side effects, it is advisable to use it only after medical advice.

For Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension)

Black Pepper


A common ingredient found in every kitchen. Black pepper is a very good warming spice especially believed to help in digestion and improving the blood circulation. It is hellpful to normal the low blood pressure.

Mechanism of Action for Blood Pressure Management:

  • Increased Circulation: The major component of black pepper, piperine, is known to increase blood flow and raise blood pressure via stimulation of the central nervous system. - Nutrient Absorption Enhancement Theory: The use of black pepper in food is believed to enhance the absorption of vitamin C and other trace elements essential for the regulation of high blood pressure.

Common Use: While black pepper is used mostly as a culinary spice as a meal accompaniment, it is also possible to use it with warm water or tea containing other warm herbs that will help in increasing blood flow and raise blood pressure.

Black Cardamom (Amomum subulatum)


Black cardamom is helpful for the normalization of the low blood pressure. It boosts the blood pressure from low to normal level. But keep in mind that that is the cardamom not the green cardamom.

Mechanism for Blood Pressure Control:

  • Vasodilator: Black cardamom improves blood vessel and blood flow circulation, which is considered to be beneficial in increasing low blood pressure.
  • Cardiac Health Benefits: Black cardamom has antioxidant properties and substances that promote the healthy functioning of the heart, making it difficult for low blood pressure to occur or even how to combat it. Acfually the heart health improves with this and due to which it controls the low blood pressure.

Common Use: Black cardamom may be used in the form of whole or powdered spice, in tea, or as a component in other herbal formulations. It is mostly used in food that is curried or stewed while ks itsrought the powder can be taken/drunk in or with herbal tisanes.



This vitamin packed vegetable has well acclaimed benefits for the heart in particular. And it is very useful for the low blood pressure. It maintains the blood pressure by boosting the energy. It has enternally red colour.

How it Works:

  • Nitrates: Beetroot is packed with healthy, naturally occurring nitrates and these are turned to nitric oxide. The use of nitric oxide causes an increase in the diameter of the blood vessel thereby facilitating the movement of the blood. And in this way it increase the low blood pressure to the normal level.


  1. Respiratory: Write three different herbs for the support of respiratory health other than discussed in this lecture. Include their benefits and reasons why they help in respiratory health. (2 Marks)

  2. Iron Deficiency: Write about three herbs which help in the iron deficiency. Make a herbal remedy which can boost the iron level in the body. Please explain how it works in the body? (3 Marks)

  3. Blood Pressure: Write three herbs for the control of the high blood pressure and three to control the low blood pressure. Explain how the patients can use them in daily life to maintain and regulate their blood pressure. Make your preferred remedy for the control of blood pressure. (3 Marks)

2 marks will be given based on the creativity and relevancy to the topic and the quality of your images.

Rules for Participation

  • Publish your post on your blog or in any community.

  • Post must be #steemexclusive.

  • Post must be free from plagiarism and AI.

  • Use your country tag such as #pakistan.

  • Use course specific tag, #herbalmed-s21w5 so that I can find your post easily.

  • Use your own images of the herbs and add watermark of your username.

  • Post the link of your post under the comment section of this post.

  • Share your post on social media such as X.

  • Invite at least 3 of your friends.

  • Use #burnsteem tag only if you have set 25% to @null

  • The participation schedule is between Monday, November 25, 2024 to Sunday, December 01, 2024.

  • Your post should be minimum 800 words.

  • Use the title: SLC S21 Week 5 - Herbal Remedies for Respiratory Health, Iron Deficiency, and Blood Pressure Control.


SC01/SC02 would be checking on the entire 17 participating Teaching Teams and Challengers and upvoting outstanding content. Upvote is not guaranteed for all articles. Kindly take note.

At the end of the week, we would nominate the top 4 users who had performed well in the contest and would be eligible for votes from SC01/SC02.

Important Notice: The selection of the four would be based solely on the quality of their post. Number of comments is no longer a factor to be considered.


hi dear sir am happy to participate here in your supervision
Here's my post link please have a look