Heta Protocol - Multichain Platform & Cryptography Algorithms

in #hetachain6 years ago (edited)

Hetachain is the next generation blockchain platform dubbed the Blockchain 3.0. Hetachain introduces a multichain platform allowing for both private and public information exchange on the platform.

The blockchain 1.0 platform allows for only financial exchange while the next being 2.0 popularized the workings of smart contracts which it called autonomous agents on its network. The major limitation of these two generations of blockchain networks was their processing capabilities (TPS) and the fact that they are only designed for public usage since they are a public network in negligence of users who would need their transactions of a private chain.
These two reasons are significantly why HETACHAIN proposes a multichain platform offering a hybrid consensus protocol for added security on its chain.

The hetachain provides two chains. The MainChain which functions like the blockchain 1.0 Bitcoin and any other blockchain 2.0 network such as the Ethereum network and others which can be utilized for public records. It also provides a PrivateChain to firms or organizations that require privacy to their economic exchange while utilizing the benefits of the blockchain technology.

The HETA MainChain which is also the Public Chain and has validating nodes of 33 Master Nodes using (BFT-dPOS consensus) is the Core of HETA where all public tokens are stored and t is validated by master nodes. MainChain is also able to generate private chains for either corporate or private entities to utilize. It links every transaction through the blocks to form an immutable ledger. All masternodes are to maintain the same Public Mainchain.

The Private Chain is designed to serve a variety of private users who seek to leverage the featured benefits of blockchain but requires privacy and confidentiality in their economic exchange. The Private Chain is a subset of the MainChain and every user either personal or corporate will be able to control its own private chain. In maintaining the Privatechain, it allows a pre-selected group of persons to contribute and ensure the integrity of the blockchain. All private chain to ensure consistency will be in communication with the Public MainChain through a communication protocol called the Bridge Protocol.

The Bridge Protocol ensures privacy preservation by linking PrivateChains to MainChain. The innovation here is that the Bridge Protocol while private transactions details are distributed securely over the PrivateChain, the protocol provides a secure communication between both private and main chain by abstracting details and creating cryptographically verifiable proofs on both chains to ensure system transparency and security. The Bridge Protocol help private chains submit their data to the Mainchain for validation and each private chain need to pay fee using the HETACOIN.

Both public (main) and Privatechains allows the creation of tokens on each other as well as the deployment of smart contracts which cannot function outside of its’ chain and every economic activity will have to be paid in the HETACOIN which runs the HETA Network.

Any organization can easily create a Private Chain on the HETA platform by installing the HETA SDK package and open a HETA Wallet. The HETA SDK Package aims to create and connect with the bridge protocol and send information to the main chain. The opened HETA Wallet will be used to pay usage fee from Private Chain to main Chain.

The HETA Platform utilized an Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm with secp256k1's curve for public-private cryptography. The private key is a random 256-bit data.
The HETA address associated with this private key is the last 160 bits of the SHA3-256 (Keccak) hash of the public key.

HETACHAIN is the Smart Industry builder which will ensure mass adoption of blockchain technology through its unique offering to both public and private users of blockchain technology.

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