Higher Vibe Living

in #higher7 years ago (edited)

What exactly is High Vibes?

Why did I change my tag line?

I will be short here as while I was writing the post it got way too long lol way too much to share!!

In short for this post:

Everything is Energy and therefore everything has vibration!!

We need to raise our vibration to be more love & light!!

From every thought you think, to feeling you feel to action you take. To every piece of food you put in your body, to every piece in and on your body to everything in your house etc

Everything is Energy!

Science is and has been proving this – now it’s our time to wake up and learn it or I should say re-learn it as when we came to this experiment called planet Earth we actually did know it!

I’ve known much for awhile and kept quiet, yet the more I learn I realize the less I actually know!

Are you in love with your life? How you are living? Being the true authentic expression of who you really be? Are you feeding the body real foods or are you just eating so called things labelled as 'food' and not always in the present (paying attention as in not on your phone, in front of the tv or computer) or because you are bored, addicted or use it as an escape tool for truly feeling?

The word I was using before was Consciousness and I am learning it is highly misunderstood I feel – people say they are conscious but if you look at their lives or patterns or actions they take it’s clear they are not – me either – I am still learning and growing much, so I am not judging just being aware.

When one is really conscious they are basically enlightened – I am far from that yet I am moving in the direction of higher vibe living and have been and I know from my heart that is what I am here to share and help others awaken to their true selves, their essence and all the lies and bs we have been programmed to believe.

I won’t be focusing on all the lies and bs but will mention it as they are other people bringing much to light on those topics!! I would rather prefer to focus as much as possible on solutions, and things that are working and sharing what’s worked for me, different ways of thinking, feeling, eating and living.

We are all underestimating our potential, power and love.

Sorry guys but especially us women – self love, self nurturing is so important now for everyone but especially women and not from an egotistical or narcissistic way but in a loving way. I also see a lot of low self worth, and emotional eating and what the media etc has conditioned us to believe who we should be or what we should be doing from an interesting point of view – once you start waking up or on the path of a Higher Vibrational way of living and being.

So instead of writing out a long post I wanted to share from the heart – the video will be up shortly so stop back!!

With much Love & Gratitude
