Community Discussion (in progress): Philosophy of Judgement
started by @rortian and @yvesoler.
Here is the chronicle of related posts:
- To Steemstem or not to steemstem, who defines science? by @rortian
- Want to be a part of a Community Discussion? by @yvesoler
- Community Discussion (continued…) by @rortian
- Community Discussion continued: A Feeling of Failure by @yvesoler
- Community Discussion (in progress) by @rortian
- Community Discussion (in progress): Is there space for Critical Thinking without judgement? by @yvesoler
- Community Discussion - Chapter 6 by @rortian
You are invited to be a part of the discussion: leave a comment, post your own related post, upvote, resteem… anything that keeps the conversation and the learning going!

Judgement CC BY-SA 3.0 Nick Youngson / Alpha Stock Images
@rortian wrote:
I've declared myself a judgment-free zone.
I should have started with a different question: How do you define judgment?
In order to have an open conversation, we need to agree on common norms, right? Some people use the words judgment and discernment interchangeably. For others, they are quite different.
Google states:
noun: judgment
- the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions.
"an error of judgement"
synonyms: discernment, acumen, shrewdness, astuteness, common sense, good sense, sense, perception, perspicacity, percipience, penetration, acuity, discrimination, wisdom, wit, native wit, judiciousness, prudence, sagacity, understanding, intelligence, awareness, canniness, sharpness, sharp-wittedness, cleverness, powers of reasoning, reason, logic; - a misfortune or calamity viewed as a divine punishment.
"the events of last week are a judgement on us for our sinful ways"
synonyms: punishment, retribution, penalty; just deserts
"the crash had been a judgement on them for their wickedness"
Now let's look at discernment:
noun: discernment
- the ability to judge well.
"an astonishing lack of discernment"
synonyms: judgement, taste, discrimination, refinement, cultivation, sophistication, enlightenment, sensitivity, subtlety
How do you see them? Tough one!
@rortian wrote:
Well, that's not the best character reference I've ever received, but I interpret it as an admission that you've mostly changed your mind; please correct me if I'm mistaken.
This does not reflect on you at all, it reflects on me. It is an indication of my level of mistrust without foundation. You have done everything to show me your intentions, but my past baggage still reserves a little space for the fear of trusting the wrong person.
Can a small amount of mistrust be healthy? Kind of like a small amount of doubt?
@rortian wrote:
I'd say that opening our minds in that way facilitates learning.
Yes, I like this answer. Removing all the filters creates an open landscape where learning can occur!
@rortian wrote:
How could "one" person do that? It takes at least two, doesn't it?
While it takes the second to ensure the message is heard, it is the sender that has to create the environment. Remember when we talked about using phrases like "I believe" and "in my opinion"? These are to show that statements are not absolutes and to invite the readers to give their personal opinions.
So you see, it is the writer that must set the stage. How do you set a stage that says, "I have experience is what I am talking about", "consider an opinion that is different from your own" and "I am open to changing my opinion"?
When I look around at the pages with the greatest followings, they are opinionated readers that appeal to a very specific target. They are not looking at dialog, they are looking at either reinforcing their ideas or teaching others what they know. How does one create a space where every person is potentially both student and teacher? That is my question.
I will retry your call from the last post where you suggest we consult with people to find the answer:
If anybody is out there, and you have a good idea, would you please be kind enough to share it with us? Please?
Anyone? We're listening....
Until they answer, as you said, we continue to test more songs in the hopes of turning a duet into a choir! (see how I pushed your analogy into a full-fledge metaphor?!). As you said, "So far we've worked to learn to cooperate, to trust, and to sing a few notes together. We could probably improve a lot, I think."

On to your last, and super important, question... @rortian wrote:
Do you still want to learn philosophy, Tigrilla?
The stage is yours prof. What is the next lesson in this philosophy class?
The Tree of Life, or Etz haChayim (עץ החיים) has upvoted you with divine emanations of G-ds creation itself ex nihilo. We reveal Light by transforming our Desire to Receive for Ourselves to a Desire to Receive for Others. I am part of the Curators Guild (Sephiroth), through which Ein Sof (The Infinite) reveals Itself!
Did I lose anything? lmao