The Seven Day B&W Challeng : Day Six (My Theme - Architecture)
No roads, hard walking access, no electricity and beautiful mountain hut by the lake
I challenge @dijana969 to take the "newly added rule" B&W Challenge :) Pick your own theme but stick to it for 7 B&W shots.
The Rules are:
•Seven black and white images that represent an aspect of your life
• Present one image every day for seven days
• No people
• No explanation
• Nominate someone every day, but anyone can join the fun
• Use the tag - #sevendaybnwchallenge - as one of your five tags
• ADDED RULE: Pick the same theme for all seven days
Thank you for reading! All photos are taken by me and are Steemit exclusive!
You have any thoughts or questions? Upvote and leave them in the comments bellow.
I'll upvote back every meaningful comment with few cents
I'll upvote back every meaningful comment with few cents
...wanna see the colored version of it :3
With pleasure!
Same photo with edited colors (click for larger image)

Original photo as taken (click for larger image)

Which one do you like the most? =)
...edited colors lol.....its cuz of the contrast i guess. :) I do like the original too, but yeah...the edits sort of make it all stand out more.
no electricity??. How did u survive??? 😂
A backpack full of power banks! :D
It's a beautiful place to settle down and escape from everything.
Yes the hut is a part of Triglav national park. A very nice location to spend a night or two while hiking the surrounding mountains.
Oh wow! Awesome!
Thank you, it's even nicer in person :)