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RE: Today it is 78 years ago that the city of Rotterdam in the Netherlands was bombed. The hole center of the city was destroyed.

in #history6 years ago (edited)

How terribly sad and horrific for the people of Rotterdam. My heart bleeds at the memories that generation must have. There are no winners in war, only survivors. This morning has brought more awful news from Managua where my son lives. There was a children's festival in Managua last night. The forces that be, came with AK-47's and shot at the crowd. The only reports I have are that there are 5 or 6 children dead and many more wounded. Because of this everything countrywide has been shut down. My son and his family can not leave Managua. The roads have been blocked. This mother's stress levels have reached an all-time high.


Oh Ceci, what a terrible news. My heart goes out to you and your family and also to the families of the children who died during the festival in Managua. The stress you have to endure must be terrible. I can only hope and pray that there will be better times in the future. I do not say 'pray' without meaning. It means a lot to me, I make a package of my thoughts and worries every night and send it to God. You and your family are also in the package and I ask for strength for you and your family to endure these difficult times.

Thank you, Clio. This means a lot to me. The talks that were scheduled for today didn't happen because of the violence but have been reset for Wednesday at 10 am. I think they are playing games. I meant to write posts earlier today but everytime I sat down to begin, I just couldn't do it. It was just too painful...

@cecicastor.... I didn't know.....I'm so sorry you are going through this turmoil. You must be beside yourself with worry. I can't even imagine how difficult. Now I know where you've been....I wondered bc I hadn't seen you post.

Please keep hope.

Been trying to keep my sanity, keep the family safe, take care of the homestead and post to steemit. A tall order some days. I need to post but gathering my thoughts right now is difficult.