Did The Egyptians Warn Us Of Misusing Electricity? Ancient History Part VII

in #history7 years ago (edited)

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Deep in the Crypts of the Temple of Hathor, Dendera there lies secret and confidential information that was only to be accessed by high priestesses. The blocks with the inscriptions were moved from elsewhere down to the crypts (they are limestone sandwiched between layers of sandstone, you can see the joint just above the heads of the Kemetians heads where the text starts).


These inscriptions appear to be giant lightbulbs. In ancient times the snake symbolised electricity similar to the Hindu idea of Kundalini energy.

The supports of the lightbulbs are Djed pillars, symbolising stability; the backbone of Osiris (the creator god). However in this context they look like the bottom part of a modern day lightbulb. They are not trying to portray the concept of wireless electricity, you can see that they are plugged in via wires to what seems to be a power source.

The ancient Kemetians (who predated the Pharaohs) here are depicted as giants. Perhaps they were literally giants but more likely is that they are symbolised as giants of mind, possessing high knowledge that was passed down. The Dynastic people are seen to be supporting the lightbulbs. Perhaps this is saying that the Kemetians preserved this knowledge and passed it down with the Dynastics willingly bearing the burden of this knowledge.


Now onto the second block to finish the story. On the far right side we see a priest holding a staff a snake staff, symbolising that he is controlling the energy, again a Kemetian priest. Here's the difference, the snake is being is being deflected by a strange creature holding two knives, (Does this represent a polarity? That this energy can either cut you and cause you harm or be used as a cutting tool to assist humans for their benefit.) according to Hank Wesselman this is a reptilian, whatever that means...

Abd’el Hakim Awyan states that the texts seen adjacent to the reptilian give us a warning that this ancient knowledge of power can be abused. Is this a retelling the downfall of Atlantis; a people who lived in peace and prosperity who eventually because corrupt and greedy who were then struck down by the gods 12,900 years ago?

Ancient civilization possessed a power that could be abused.

First Image Source

Chris Dunn as covered this extensively in his book "The Giza Power Plant" if you are interested in further reading.

The Previous posts in this series are:

Part VI - Unique Ancient Site Currently Used As Rubbish Dump

Part V - The Ancient Sumerian King List & The Biblical Genesis Story

Part IV - The Great Pyramid & The Cardinal Dimensions Of Our Planet: Ancient Egypt

Part III - Ancient Egyptian Mathematics Was Identical To Computer Code

Part II - Is the Sphinx actually 36,000 Years Old?

Part I Does Old Kingdom Egypt date back 36,000 Years

Thank you.


The electricity angle is fascinating and definitely worth exploring.
But I don't get the jump to "Warning"
Why do people always have to come up with stuff like that?
It is completely unnecessary and leads nowhere.
No one "warns" future generations about anything. Or has anyone seen a warning label on an H-Bomb?
Why do interesting finds and facts always have to get corrupted by moronic theories about a "meaning for us" ? Are we really THAT self absorbed that EVERYTHING has to be about us?

Whoever build the pyramids encoded the dimensions of the earth into it (You have read but for others coming across this post), I believe that its possible that they did this because they knew about the cyclical nature of human intelligence, that it rises and falls like a sine wave over millennia. I will research this further and make a compelling case that the ancients encoded information into their structures. The reason you build things out of stone if so they will last, not for you but for those who come after. The same numbers and stories appear across ancient cultures.

Not for us precisely, but for somebody that would come after. History repeats itself, we are a species with amnesia.

They knew SO much. The existence and position of stars from Earth that we only discovered in the 1990's, perhaps we aren't as smart as we think we are in this age. (I am aware this sounds very eccentric and from left field.)

Oh absolutely, I agree with you for the most part. The mathematical and astronomical "encodings" found in the pyramids are just mind bending and cannot be discussed away.
We are definitely not as smart as we would like to believe, lots of knowledge got lost or locked away.
What I am rather skeptical about is the "warnings for future generation part"
Humans NEVER do that. We brag about our achievements, we find technology awesome and destroy our environment. I believe the notion rather stems from a silly self absorption of the modern observer. Everything has to be about us, us, us.
I believe the truth lies somewhere else...

You are seriously making me think about my view, and I thank you for that.

I think that the view of humanity you hold in your mind is largely within the blinders of christianity and Islam, which both derive from the same source. These are murderous doctrines which have both committed atrocities in the name of god. Because they had the power they made the rules which we all had to live by until very recently.

I mention that and think it’s relevant. Even if you are not religious you have to agree that, if you are white or, born in Europe or, were a colony under European rule, or speak Spanish then the culture you were raised in is based on the ideals and value structure of Christianity. A monotheistic religion. These are the kind of humans DO NOT think about passing on information to the future for whatever reason in your view.

The shear about of human death caused by electronics has been catastrophic, WWI & WWII could not have been fought on the scale that they were if the radio had not been invented to improve logistics and change strategies on the fly. (A weak point but think about it really.)

Another point is that the ancients did not have any stigma against the use of psychedelic drugs. They had a deep connection to the universe which we have lost, which is the night sky without light pollution.

Imagine how chill the 20th century would have been if everyone had to smoke DMT.(Not that the ancients HAD to.)

Fundamentally it’s a question of human nature or cultural imprinting throughout life that the current zeitgeist imposes on people. It’s probably a mix of human nature and the ideas you are exposed to.

My point is that their culture was very very different that ours. To some degree this must influence group behaviour and thinking; to what degree is a really good question. I think I am onto something here, but it’s definitely a diamond in the rough.

I will write a detailed post at some point coherently explaining myself. :)

I agree on the being different part of it.
But consider one thing...
It is not so much humanity abusing technology. We are being duped into thinking that it is us. It is not.
It is the corrupt "Elite" on top who makes and drops the bombs.
"WE"" are just too dumb and scared to do anything about it.
WE don't have much choices when it comes to decisions to invade foreign countries, we are just duped into compliance. We don't even have much choice to use plastics or not. Or drink clean water. Or eat healthy food. Or breathe clean air. It is not us*. Or would you build an H-Bomb in your basement to nuke your neighbor? I think not. You would also opt for no chemtrails or clean water. Me too. This is US.
It is always the degenerate 'Elite" on top who causes all the misery and then writes and rewrites history in their favor. We are the goyims.

Interesting, I never seriously considered how little choice we have. Jarring to think about.

Just had a conversation on a different post about History...
Consider this...We do not even know what is going on TODAY.
All we DO know is that the official narrative presented to us is clearly wrong. JFK, 9/11, Sandy Hook, Las Vegas, etc.
And this at a time where we have living witnesses, video evidence and so forth.
How could we possibly find the truth about events 1000 years ago? We will always remain stuck between the official history documented by the winners and wild speculation. Looking at history as we know it, it is painfully clear that NOTHING in the official narrative adds up. Sad.