Stalin. Tyrant - dictator or savior of the country?

in #history2 years ago (edited)

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December 21, 1878 (according to the old version, December 9) is considered the official date of birth of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (Dzhugashvili).Although there is a version of the date of birth on December 18 (6).
And already here the discrepancies and contradictions begin.

69 years have passed since Stalin's death (March 5, 1953).
It would seem negligible by the standards of history, but Stalin's name is so shrouded in a fog of myths that it is no longer possible to understand who he was for our country.

Already all archives relating to the time of Stalin's reign have been declassified, but this does not bring clarity.

And all due to the fact that historians manage to interpret the same document in different ways and skillfully juggling numbers, create some kind of virtuality around Stalin.
And then, foaming at the mouth, they prove to each other that he was a "bloody tyrant" or "savior of the fatherland."

For me personally, this person was both. And there is no contradiction in this. Stalin was primarily an ideological pragmatist and acted as he considered necessary at the moment.

For example in 1925 year the "Union of Militant Atheists" was created, the main task of which was to tear the peasants away from the influence of the church.
And it was important then. It's no secret that at that time the church was against the Bolsheviks. And she could easily raise the believing masses against the authorities.

From our time, this is seen as an act of senseless and bloody destruction of people.
But it must be admitted that at that time the church was a real threat to the creation of a socialist state, as Stalin saw it.

And he acted tough and pragmatic.

The most interesting thing is that the "union of atheists" ceased to exist in 1941. The question arises, why?

The answer is also very clear.

By the beginning of the war with Hitler, only clergymen loyal to the government (at least out loud) remained in the USSR. And they were already needed to raise patriotism among the people. For even greater cohesion, in the face of the danger of the fascists taking over the country.

And here again Stalin's pragmatic instinct worked.

I will not touch on the topic of the flight over Moscow of an airplane with an icon allegedly on Stalin's orders (this is still more of a legend than a story), but the revival of the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky in 1942 is a fact.
True, the word "saint" was removed from the name, but the appearance of the order was left almost as under the tsar.

There is a lot of talk about the fact that Stalin destroyed almost all talented military leaders before the war, starting with Tukhachevsky, while somehow keeping silent about Tukhachevsky's role in the brutal suppression of the "Kronstadt rebellion" and the "Tambov Uprising".

But then what about Marshal Vasilevsky, who was actually led by Stalin personally in the career of a military commander. And Zhukov, too, did not fall from the sky, but was in the military elite, already before the start of the war and for some reason was not destroyed.

A lot is written about the destruction of the peasantry in the 30s. It is claimed that the number of peasants has greatly decreased. Let's understand this process. After all, not only dekulakization was the reason for the decrease in the inhabitants of villages and villages.

Back in 1921, the idea of industrialization of the country appeared. And a huge number of peasants began to move to the city because there was an opportunity to find work and feed themselves. As a result, the population of the villages has sharply decreased. But the state received a huge amount of cheap labor, which made it possible to carry out industrialization in the shortest possible time (about 10 years). And it saved the country from destruction.

No one is arguing about the vital necessity of industrialization now. But people have different visions of how it happened. It is often claimed that factories, factories and other industrial facilities were built by the hands of illiterate peasants and political prisoners.

And many people willingly believe this nonsense.

I assure you that nothing can be built without an experienced engineering staff. And Stalin understood this perfectly well. Therefore, thousands of foreign engineers took part in the industrialization of the USSR. You can see at least how the Stalingrad Tractor Plant was built.

But Stalin also understood that the country needed its own qualified specialists. And he is the creator of the domestic system of higher technical education, which is still considered the best in the world.

Of his recent deeds, which is being condemned, this is of course "The Case of doctors." As a result, the persecution of Jews began, which almost led to their mass resettlement. Only Stalin's death stopped all this.
Although Stalin's death also raises many questions, and perhaps suspicions about the conspiracy of doctors were still not groundless.

But on the other hand, there is the fact that it was only thanks to Stalin that the state of Israel appeared and many Jews are grateful to Stalin for this.

Stalin, who had an incomplete seminary education, left many books.Only the collected works have 13 volumes.

Stalin achieved recognition of the USSR as a superpower and at the same time did not accumulate anything for himself personally.

The inventory of property after his death consisted of 10 items:

Notebook for notes, in a gray leather cover;
Notebook, leather, red;
Personal notes, notes made on separate sheets and tear-off sheets. A total of 67 sheets (sixty-seven) are numbered;
A common notebook with notes, the cover is red;
Smoking pipes — 5 pcs. To them: 4 boxes and special devices, tobacco. In Comrade Stalin's office: books, table accessories, souvenirs are not included in the list.
White tunic — 2 pcs. (Both have the star of the Hero of Socialist Labor attached to them).
Gray tunic, n / a day — 2 pcs.;
Dark green tunic — 2 pcs.;
Trousers — 10;

  1. Underwear is folded in a box under No. 2.
    In the box under No. 3 are packed: 6 tunics, 10 trousers, 4 overcoats, 4 caps. Notebooks, notebooks, and personal notes are stacked in the box under No. 1. Bath and shower accessories are packed in box No. 4. Other property belonging to Comrade Stalin was not included in the inventory. A savings book was found in the bedroom, 900 rubles were written in it. The time of completion of the inventory and the document is 0 hours 45 minutes on March 6, 1953.
    The other property meant a table alarm clock in the form of a fox (with a broken ear).
    They are also trying to challenge this now, but there is a fact that none of the relatives inherited anything after Stalin's death, because there was nothing to receive.

A tyrant who adored his mother and cared for her endlessly until her death.
A despot who wept at his wife's grave.

I would like to finish with the words attributed to Stalin:
"After death, a lot of garbage will be put on my grave, but the wind of history will scatter it"