Matters relating to the birth day of the Prophet Muhammad.

in #history6 years ago


Matters relating to the birth day of the Prophet Muhammad.

The Commemoration of the Birthday of the Great Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was first held and carried out (according to the author's knowledge) about 600 years after the Prophet Muhammad's Death, was carried out at the initiative and initiated by a Mujahid and Reformed Islam. Abdurrahman Al Kawakibiy.

The purpose and purpose of this Warning is to call humanity back to the struggle of the Prophet and so that:
a. Believe in the "Haq".
b. Charity with a charity that is "Salih".
c. Jihad and strive to uphold "Truth and Justice".

What did the scholars say about the celebration of Mawlid.

Hasan Al-Bashriy said: "I aspire, if the word is for me Gold is like Gunungg Uhud, I really spend it on the Memorial and recite Maulid Ar Rasul".

Al Junaid said Al Baghdadiy: "Whoever attends the Commemoration of the Birthday of the Apostle and respects his greatness, surely he will get a victory with (strong) his faith".

Al Imam Al Yaf'iy said: "Whoever gathers his family to read the Mawlid of the Prophet, and provided food, place and others, he will certainly be raised on the Day of Qiyamat together with the Righteous, the Shahid, and the one who finally leads to into Jannatinna'im (Syurga) ".

Sulthanul said 'An't'm Jalaluddin As Sayuthiy: "There is no and" a house, mosque, or other places that were read by the Prophet's Birthday, except that it was covered by Angel wings for these places and filled with the Grace of Allah to they".

Respecting the birth seconds of the Prophet, has many benefits and benefits, so that even those who disbelieve feel the abundance of God's Gift.
It is mentioned in a Hadith that indeed Abu Lahab got his wrath in 'Alam Barukh every Monday, because he was pleased with the birth of the great Prophet Sule.
Al-hafid said syamsuddin Muhammad ibn nashir Ad-dimisqi
"Abu lahab, he is an infidel, who by the Qur'an just condemned him (in the letter of Al-Ahab), but he got the relief of the torment of the grave every Monday because he was happy with the birth of the Prophet. who feel happy with the birth of the Prophet, are believers. "

Quoted from Ma'rifat book written by Abu keumala
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