Charlemagne - Emperor of Europe

in #history7 years ago

Charlemagne wanted to rule Europe as the Roman Caesars ruled but with one difference - his empire would be Christian.

On Christmas Day in the year 800, Charlemagne attended mass in the great cathedral of St. Peter's in Rome. As he knelt in prayer, he was startled to see the pope walking towards him, carrying a golden oject in his hand.

The object was a great crown and as Charlemagne looked up, the pope placed the crown upon his head while the entire congregation burst out 'To Carolus Augustus, crowned by God, mighty and pacific emperor, be life and victory.'

Charlemagne was furious. Later he told his secretary, 'I would not have entered the church on that day, even though it was the chief festival of Holy Church, if I could have foreseen the design of the pope.'


This is a captivating post. compliment of the new season