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RE: My Karma Ran Over My Dogma - The War Of Ideologies

in #history6 years ago

I really appreciate your post on this issue. I learned some things, and that's always extremely valuable to me.

I have to take issue with one matter regarding slavery, however. Slavery does yet persist in the USA, and in fact is growing rapidly. The 13th Amendment to the Constitution allowed for slaves to be possessed by the states, when they were incarcerated, and this is common practice today.

The practice is profitable for the governments and corporations that lease labor from those governments holding captives, and this provide direct incentive for states to take more victims into captivity. In a bitter twist of irony, the Land of the Free now has more prisoners per capita than any nation in the history of the world. Over 2 million Americans are presently kept as slave labor by the 50 state governments, federal government, and local, county jails, and privately owned prisons.

This is real slavery, not some trick of semantics. Many people unaware of the facts of slavery you point out in your post aren't aware that white people were kept as slaves. In fact Slavs are called that because they were so often enslaved. Slave is the root of the word Slav. Keeping white people in the same conditions as black slaves is indeed slavery, despite that many Americans weren't aware that slavery wasn't only committed to blacks. Keeping people convicted by governments in those conditions is also slavery, no matter what their race or ethnicity.

I don't know how many captives are held in the countries on your slave list, but I am confident few have as many as the USA. If their prisons aren't slave labor camps, then the USA would be third on the list, because all US prisons are slave labor camps, and all American prisoners are slaves, and there are well over 2 million of them today.



The 13th Amendment to the Constitution allowed for slaves to be possessed by the states, when they were incarcerated, and this is common practice today.

Very true I've written on that subject several times. I feel it is one of the main reasons we have the largest prison population on the planet, and why so many victimless crimes are given longer prison sentences than crimes with actual victims. Which would you prefer a peaceful slave, or an aggressive one?

Indeed. It also seems that flouridated water, phytoestrogens, and endocrine disrupting additives in food and chemical pollution have been very successful at reducing the testosterone poisoning that makes slaves testy.