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RE: No, Albert Pike Did NOT Predict WWIII

in #history6 years ago

Thank you for your fine article, James, and for sharing Terry Melanson's research. I found Pike's "letter" to be compelling but came to a dead end when trying to source the origin of it in the research I did over 7 years ago.

The reason it was so compelling is due to the fact that this was a conspiracy, not a theory, that was afoot in the City of London regarding the Rothschild dynasty during the 20th century. Perhaps William Guy Carr used Albert Pike as a straw man to deflect the conspiracy away from the City of London while drawing attention to it. The conspiracy itself revolves around the creation of the modern state of Israel and the outcome will likely be the same. We have seen the brink of WW3 many times in recent days with the proxy war in Syria. Now, war with Iran may be next.

"The founding of Israel was a project of the Business Roundtable – a Chatham House City of London project later known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA). They pushed through the private Federal Reserve bank in the US in 1913 while President Woodrow Wilson relaxed Revolutionary War-era tariffs aimed at the East India Company and other Crown Agents.

In 1917 the RIIA overthrew the Romanov dynasty in Russia with phony Bolshevik revolutionaries funded by the Kuhn Loeb and Warburg banking dynasties. That same year Roundtable member & British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour sent a letter to fellow Roundtabler Lord Walter Rothschild declaring support for the establishment of Israel on Palestinian land. It became known as the Balfour Declaration.

The Crown then backed the rise of Adolf Hitler and the subsequent de-industrialization of Germany. Soon they had their pretext for a mass exodus of Zionist Jews to Israel where that nation would serve not as a safe Jewish homeland, but as a regional enforcer for the Rothschild/Rockefeller oil cartel.

The 1922 Treaty of Jeddah established the exact same role for the House of Saud. The RIIA Crown Agent in the US is the Council on Foreign Relations, which pretty much dictates US foreign policy through its widely read Foreign Affairs rag. The Atlantic Council is another Crown Agent RIIA affiliate."

Dean Henderson, Investigative Journalist

Why Trump Is A Rothschild Tool