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RE: My thoughts on Soft Fork v0.22.2

in Threespeak4 years ago

Must watch video to understand the subject better.

At this point, I really don't see how anybody could somehow think that the SF was anything other than crucial for the blockchain.

The founders of Steem made social contracts regarding use of their ninjamined stake, that are yet to be uphold.

If Steem wouldn't have these vast amount of stakeholders, nobody would bat an eye, whether the stake were to be sold. But, we do have many stakeholders and most of them insist about the social contracts being uphold.


Social contracts should have been upheld with the correct owners. The promise was broken when Ned sold the stake. Not Justin's problem.

And if you try to make it his problem the only possibility I see is a fork and a lose-lose.

Although it might not seem so, he has the leverage. If we fork, he still can pump a coin with no fundamentals and make some money. Or even take a loss on an investment.

But if we fork, we lose everything. The whole point is to avoid a fork, but the actions taken will cause the opposite.