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RE: My understanding and thoughts regarding this ongoing witness battle

we could argue about that stake, and maybe he did not know what Ned and steemit were saying for 4 years, but if there was a reason for soft fork i would say it is Tron foundation public posts about steem swapping for tron smart token and steem blockchain migrating to tron blockchain. that looks like imminent threat to the blockchain. this was their weekly report just few hours before the Soft fork
tron staitment.jpg

I know downvotes were abused sometimes, and i really don't know what was downvoted in your community (not because i don't like you, it is just because i don't understand) but i would like to know how you look at for example i post a blurry mobile phone photo and write "this is great" and get 100 steem for that, you see that as milking the system or is it ok to you?

you probably heard by now that 3 days powerdown would not work on steem because how RC, Steem Power, reward sistem works, and as we seen it would give exchanges an easy way to manipulate witnesses. Power up, do a Hard Fork, Power down and play stupid because they would have its stake in 3 days.

"And suddenly SCT discord channel and the previous posting got popular." justin also did not contact or answered anyones call until his stake was Soft forked :D

Isn't it possible that some people from 22.2 community attack me (downvoting, etc) or even freeze my account?

i really don't think so, as i see no one downvoted this post, also you need 17 people to be ok with freezing someone's account, and i am sure it would never happen. there were some "epic" whale wars, with a lot of downvoting, spam, hate words and no one even suggested it.
Also you know that witnesses can run in the code whatever they want if 17 of them agree on it. that is why is kinda important to vote on people you trust, especially if you have a chunk of steem. And from what i know, this 20 that were in top 20 are not all really getting along in normal situations (i could be wrong, it's not some inside info, just what i gathered)


Thank you for your input.

Justin made many confusing and sometimes conflictng comments, which shows that he does not know much of steem blockchain. And your blue screenshot is certainly one of them.

I think the part you quoted were not consistently argued from Justin, and I did not put much weight on such comment unless something concrete happens.

And I also think that it is okay to miss technical details - there are engineers for that. For example, it was not only Justin who did not know the detail. Lots of 22.2 community argued that powerdown period cannot be reduced below 7 days due to the reward system, but steemit engineer said that technically it is 5 days due to RC system. I don't think such details matter as long as we can reach an agreement to shorten powerdown period, for example.

And for the last part... of course this post is not likely be downvoted at this time when lots of 22.2 community want support from me and korean community. But I am not sure about what would happen when 22.2 community takes control and freeze Justin's accounts and get full power to do whatever they want. I would not be surprised to see lots of attacks against non 22.2 supporters, when I see such aggressive and sometime hostile/rude attitude already.

As someone that has endured a significant barrage of flags, while I don't recommend it, the fact is that when we stand for something, sometimes we get in the way of others and are abused for it.

I hope you don't get flagged, particularly not as was I, but reckon you'll survive it if you are, as I did. Nothing worth doing is ever easy.

Not every one as lucky as you to survive.

It's not just downvote but it is manslaughtering.

typical manSlaughtering DownVoter Witnesses

@themarkymark and @gtg should be put out of the 20 major witnesses.

The same for trivial witnesses
@patrice, @steempress = @howo, @helpie = @eonwarped

위에 언급된 최악의 학살자 다운보팅 증인들은 20인 주요 증인 밖으로 밀어내야 한다.

I agree that downvoting has been a vector for abuse and censorship. Solutions to the problem are necessarily limitations on downvotes, rather than complete abolition of flags. I agree the problem will need discussion and rectification - but only if Steem actually survives, which I don't think it will.

In fact, it is presently the wholly owned possession of Tron, and any illusion that stake nominal to elect consensus witnesses without Tron's approval is all that prevents folks from recognizing Tron's exclusive control and possession of Steem.


Justin is stupid and going through wars that he never win in the long run. He can absorb Steem into Tron but he cannot prevent witnesses from hardforking into new Steem.

Justin's best choice is hardfork to SteemTron then swap to Steem Token on Tron, onboarding Steemians to Tron.
This is not different from just copy Steem Blockchain with coin name Steem token under Tron,
and this is also not different from just airdrop Tron to Steeminans according to Steem possession and copy Steem Blockchain with it as token.
No need to consume time and efforts on war.

Witnesses can choose anytime to hardfork into Steem2 like golos, weku, etc.

Current war is just war for the name STEEM listed in the current exchanges.

They can agree to hardfork into STEEMTRON and STEEM2 and ask exchanges to list both instead of STEEM.
In this case STEEM2 needs to burn al l the ninja-mined STEEM reducing STEEM number 300M to 200M, great.

Steem witnesses can hardfork whenever they want to Steem again, now or during the wars, or even after the Steem-token-on-Tron era.

We can enjoy this war, and hopefully and possibly force witnesses to accept a few improvement to achieve more decentralization.

_1. remove downvote except for strictly iLlegal contents which should be specified in advance. Downvote should be effecive only when major witnesses make consensus to approve it case by case manually.
_2. reduce witness vote number to 1 from current 30.
_3. increase consensus witness number to 50 currently then 100, 200, 1000, 10k etc as time evolves from current 20, by upgrading and simplifying the witness node software so that every commons can install and run it on their some powerful PC.
_4. adopt different powerdown period with different voting power such as 1 week 50% power, current 13 week 100 %, 52 week 200% etc, 2 year 300%, 10 year 400% etc.
_5. whatever other improvements


You're right about forking. It's been done before, and will be done again. Why not right now?

I like the proposals for witness changes, but not regarding downvotes. 'Major' witnesses is not well defined for me. Also, having the witnesses authorize every downvote isn't gonna work. I agree that something needed to be done about flags. Not sure it still does, but that's something I'll be happy to consider more going forward.

That's an interesting powerdown schedule, and I might like it. Not sure yet though.


Thank you for your opinions.

Why I ask major or consensus witnesse's manual majority approval for downvote is

_1. downvote should not be effective in generl
_2. except needed to protect Steem BlockChain
_3. when outside real world power try to disassemble Steem Blockchain for iLlegal contents, for example, with Supreme Court verdict.
In such case, such iLlegal contents should be downvoted and hide to stop prosecutors' sue to court or Upper Court Judgement.

Except such case, downvote should not be applied.

That's my opinion.

Good weekend.

i seen at least 4-5 posts by official tron foundation sources in 10 days. we can say that it was a marketing plan, so they had no idea what they bought and that what they were saying was the initial plan, but they could have inform the marketing people and say, we are not doing this stop posting that. that for me looks like a threat to the steem blockchain.

And if something concrete happens it is to late. because more concrete would be a token swap. from the talks that i heard i am 100% sure that if they thought that they have hard fork for 1-3 day powerdown ready they would implement it the first day when they used exchanges to take over steem. and i think that was the plan but they did not plan that steemit inc developers would quit and left them with no devs to code it that quick.

a lot of the witnesses are not running the code with soft fork.

i can't guarantee you that no one will downvote you but i am 100% sure that there are no 17 people that would agree to lock your coin.

And suddenly SCT discord channel and the previous posting got popular." justin also did not contact or answered anyones call until his stake was Soft forked :D

Perfect point. 👌
Just as this post by @glory7 makes me more hopeful that the Korean community is acting in good faith to bring all parties to the table, that's the same motivation I believe our witnesses had when utilizing the soft fork.