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RE: Darthknight = blocktrades = alpha = ... so on.

in SCT.암호화폐.Crypto5 years ago (edited)

Wait.. let me get this straight:

darthknight himself should declare that it was his mistake and he did not mean to send it to bittrix.
it needs to be confirmed that bittrix is not owned by the owner of darthknight (in other words, "alt")

Why? Can you explain why he can't just change his withdrawal route like any user?

There is no proof that bittrix is not an alt of blocktrades.

There is no proof that you don't wear your mama's panties - ergo you wear them?

Overall it seems that @blocktrades is not allowed to have alts - why? And why his stake was frozen? Please explain this to me.

To be clear - I don't know who @blocktrades is. I'm simply worried that if his and other users funds can be frozen without any reason, then what's the point of keeping your money here? So if there's any reason to freeze those users funds, please reveal them to me.


darthknight himself should declare that it was his mistake and he did not mean to send it to bittrix.

Well, he attempted to fix it, but his account is frozen by witnesses, so operation failed.

    database.cpp:3470 _apply_transaction

    database.cpp:3498 _apply_transaction
153516ms db_with.hpp:103               ~pending_transaction ] {"ref_block_num":34431,"ref_block_prefix":1566132272,"expiration":"2020-04-04T10:02:33","operations":[{"type":"set_withdraw_vesting_route_operation","value":{"from_account":"darthknight","to_account":"bittrix","percent":0,"auto_vest":false}}],"extensions":[],"signatures":["1f6b3b96b19fc4e64fc28cb513454f2f140e05e7d750d9069b3cd56352cf04bb8b2ecc4956170c31fab4b8875eed313629120c15247a84af39b3e7abe3974a76c7"]}




Can we get the new steem witnesses to block you from playing splinterlands! I mean, if we are going to make up bullshit reasons, why not to help boost me up the rankings! :-)

Lol no! ;-)

Their logic or lack thereof is dizzying. Their justification for their actions is simply proving that there is a correlation between accounts they don't understand. Who the fuck cares!

Hey it's @joshman posting with his alt. Better block me!!!! Oh damn, I just outed myself.

20200409 14_09_41Joshman's Alter Ego  joshmania _ SteemPeak  Brave.png

The last argument can also be used for the old witnesses. If they can freeze anyone's asset whats the point of investing in their network? You can choose sides, but you have to ask each side the same question. Can't keep moving goal posts.

I don't care about old witnesses, I want to know why users funds on steem are being frozen.

Are you trying to imply that new steem witnesses can do this because old ones did (the ninja mined stake by the way). If someone steals from you, does it mean you can steal too?

Lol you accuse of other people for avoiding your questions, yet you are doing the same. It seems like you already have a set agenda and are unwilling to engage in a meaningful discussion unlike some of the other folks, so i dont see the point of going back and forth with you.

Nice try. Again - I don't care about hive, I want to know why users funds can be frozen on STEEM. Can you tell me or not?

I think I can answer that question sir. The primary concern of a witness is to secure the blockchain, produce blocks and make sure the assets of your stakeholders are safe.
If an outside threat attacks the blockchain, witnesses need to do everything they can to protect us from that.
As you may have noticed, there is/was an attack on the Steem blockchain.
If by any means necessary means that certain accounts need to be blocked for certain transactions, so be it.
It is the same logic the previous witnesses used to freeze an investor's fund. Dpos (I know its a bitch) gives the power to the ones with the most stake, in this case JS. So if our biggest stakeholder believes these actions need to be taken to protect your, mine and everyone's interest in this chain, he can choose to vote for witnesses who are willing to go that far.
If elected witnesses believe the threat is severe enough to justify these account restrictions, they can run this code. Dpos, again.

Can you show me some examples of this attack?

There are too many examples, not going to waste my time proving you what is the right thing.
But here is 1. How secure is it to run a witness node that runs a version that can completely break the chain? They HAD to be removed, preventing certain transactions from these whale accounts helped to make the chain more secure. But you likely dont get that.

Do you have to freeze user account to remove him from witness?

This is spot on - thanks for explaining far better than i could have.

I think i have attempted to answer this question multiple times and you keep ignoring the answer and harp on the same points. You may not like the answer or disagree, but ignorance is not an option. Have a nice day man. Bye.

They can because others did it - OK... That's stupid.

Please don't argue with him. He is one of the crazy few

Hey sunshine you miss me? :)

If more than 17/20 witnesses agree on, whatever can be done in steem. That is the law here.

So at least one Justin.

I never said im proud of what has happened here. At the same time you need to acknowledge that the guy who stole first has also committed a crime. Thats all im asking.

Seems like everyone is shitting on the second person who stole back and just condoning the instigator. Is a fair repesentation of the facts too much to ask for?

i will tell you what is the difference. when they freezed steemit funds they wrote we are freezing funds that were sold of the market and that ned promised to be used for development of the chain. tron foundation is making posts on social networks about swapping steem coin for tron token and moving steem blockchain to tron. we are freezing the funds until we get more information on all of this.
I could agree or disagree on this, but it was said clearly.

Now witnesses froze 8 accounts and the statment was, there was a threth to the steem blockchain, we will not tell you what it was, you need to believe us (if you think i am making this up, one of the witnesses replied to me with "As time moves on, you’ll find out the answer.")

Lol @bil.prag, so if people announce it before they steal its ok? Hey Justin, we blocked all your accounts, you can either comply with our demands or we nullify your accounts. Well, based on the facts I wouldn't have believed those cowboys either. Why would you believe them? Full of BS and are milking the normal users from day 1. Have fun at the small blockchain while it lasts!

no, nothing to do with announcements.
all you said could be right, but that does not change the fact that current witnesses froze private funds with no explanation. Is it a BS explanation or explanation that has more logic in it is something different.

old witnesses wrote the reasons, you can read them in my previous comment. new witnesses froze accounts with no explanation just because they can. so 20 people decided to froze funds because they don't like someone and 1 man made sure that no one can change that.
And witnesses are playing dead. users deserve to know what is the threat to the chain so they can act on it.