This is what a top HIVE witness does: self comment+voting and downvote-retaliation

in SCT.암호화폐.Crypto4 years ago (edited)

Until today, I had no interaction (comment, upvote, or downvote) with @gtg, former top witness of STEEM and now top witness of HIVE.

Not very surprising, as gtg has been a top witness with significant steem power but I was nobody - who occasionally writes in a non-English language and plays games like steemmonsters - who did not have much steem power.

This morning, my Steem neighbor told me that he saw a previous top witness shamelessly milking rewards. So I followed his link and saw this:

  • by the way, I do not know how to set 100% SBD option - isn't it either 50% SBD/50% SP or 100% SP?

I checked what these were:

Yes, he was making lots of spam comments and self-voting on his first posting Hello, World! dated Jul 3, 2016.

I was disappointed. I know that he was not happy regarding the current situation of Steem and decided to move to HIVE - and then why is he doing such disgraceful things here instead of improving HIVE?

So I decided to downvote them, even though my stakes are not big so my downvotes only cost like 0.14 STU, as a sign of disappointment.

  • I am pretty sure that most people agree that this crap should not be worth more than $3 rewards.

When I got back home after a few hours, I found that gtg decided to retaliate, and downvoted me three times.

When HIVE first started, since I was one of the "blacklisted" users who did not get HIVE airdrop, I did not login for a while. But later some of Steem neighbors encouraged me to use HIVE at least several time to test, I wrote two short postings after claiming previous rewards (otherwise I didn't have enough RC as my HP is zero).

And I guess I should stop trying HIVE, as now the top witness with more than 472K power decides to downvote me, which made my posting rewards zero. I am okay with them going to zero per se, but I feel bad about my neighbors who voted me to make me feel better using HIVE, as their efforts are in vain.

  • gtg's HP:

  • My posting now shows zero reward "thanks to" gtg's downvote:

  • All my HIVE postings (only two, fortunately) went to zero.

In retrospect, now I understand why the neighbor who reported gtg's shameful spam+self vote milking did NOT downvote it while he thought it was despicable.

He expected potential retaliation - downvotes - and didn't want that.

It reminded me of the past - I didn't (in fact I couldn't) downvote some crap as I feared that I would get downvoted as retaliation.

And even when I get downvoted sometimes for ridiculous reasons like "not English" or "no thumbnail", I chose not to fight back as the counterparty had too much steem power compared to what I have.

Yes, I admit that I was a coward who just waited these downvote bullies to find another victim.

At least, from now on, I will try not to be silent and do what I believe to be correct.

  • Even though I lost a lot (in terms of the current token price) more by getting downvotes from a whale, I do not regret my action.

  • Update: @steemit, while I appreciate that your vote would put this posting on trending so that many users may have a chance to read this, I believe that the posting reward would be too much - so please remove the upvote before the payout.

It pains me to see how many Steemians switching to Hive are still trying to get as many rewards out of the system as possible.

Downvoted to compensate for the mega upvote of Steemit.

I agree with the both parts. Hope both (HIVE milking on STEEM, steemit votes) would stop soon...

I hope so too since it's not really helping either Hive or Steem.

But it looks like they wanted to prove that Hive is alive & Steem is dead which I think is unnecessary.

Hive & Steem are relatively young blockchains, I don't see the point in telling which one is better & which one is not. While many other blockchains are progressing much faster than Hive & Steem, we are still here arguing among each other on who is right & who's wrong...

Any attack with each other should stop soon... I'm really hoping... It's not really healthy for both chains

I'm not. I even waited before I started full power down to let others leave the obsolete fork safely.

Hi there

I've been reading through many comments related to new hive chain and I've seen your comment too. Many users are being torn, however majority seem to be moving to new hive.

Are you fully moving there or will you stay on both chains? Just curious. I'm trying to figure out what to do myself.

If you are a smart person, you will stay at Steemit.

Hive won't last. The reason it was developed is just the wrong incentive to make it work.

The attitude is also wrong. I am hardly ever here and have a no value account. Still it attracts downvotes from @neoxian one of the "hive witnesses" and former or maybe still Steemit witness on every post comment.

For what? Wrong topic, copy pasted content, anything else that is against the rules? Nope, just because he can. Or maybe it is just because he doesn't want people to express they are not hive minded. I guess we all need a hobby.

coffeea Lucky you @twinner here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at Vote for c0ff33a as Witness

yap, also a bunch of D_A-CH users fighting for "justice" with injustice.

Abusing the reward pool knowing there are still people who actually put effort into creating content is just disgusting. Human greed is something I will never understand and never tolerate..

Crazyness around us. May the Corona damage more the mind than the lungs??
Intersting to see steemit-account voting. Gorgeous impact with 30 millions of power.
Now I know more than ever why I don't press the downvote button. This can be very dangerous.
For the future I hope that fairness wiull come back to all whales.


@freiheit50 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> Wer ist investinthefutur ?
@freiheit50 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !----> Who is investinthefutur ?

Careful, this post breaks the Steemit TOS. You might get yourself censored.

Hi there

I've been reading through many comments related to new hive chain and I've seen your comment too. Many users are being torn, however majority seem to be moving to new hive.

Are you fully moving there or will you stay on both chains? Just curious. I'm trying to figure out what to do myself.

You can see my last post on Steem to find the answer to that. I'm still here to comment and point out the absurdity and pointlessness of a centralized blockchain controlled by a 30 year old child.

Big Thx for your reply. I think i will stick around on both chains for time being.

I also figured that you may find this post interesting and worth your time:

It's post published by good friend of mine and I'm helping him to promote their curation trail.

Nah, they immune to being censored, just like Justyy was when he made a post about a tool that he built for Hive. He later renamed the post not to mention Hive, likely because Justin asked him to so he isn't embarrassed by showing favoritism. Although his $300+ votes/downvotes are proof enough.

Oh the irony, a post complaining about someone taking away from the reward pool takes 15x as much away from the reward pool.

Don't worry @glory7, Justin Sun made sure your post didn't get too high by pinning the top 6 posts then hiding the indication that they were pinned! Unfortunately today he removed the code hiding his upvotes that he had put in place several days ago.

In the future, Justin Sun has said downvoting will be removed so you don't have to worry about downvoting @gtg or him downvoting you. Sun also suggested that the powerdown time be decreased which would help all the Hivers to leave faster. Solutions are on the way.

If development on Steemit is a little slow rn, it's just because the devs have to keep their list of 123 censored posts growing. They're also trying to figure out why Steemit is crashing so often. Be patient, 3 day powerdowns will be here soon. That way @steemit can powerdown after voting your post, then powerup to a second account and vote it again!

Not to mention that there were no rewards actually taken, just an attempt to gain visibility which partially worked. Those who can actually see actions on the blockchain can get that there are no such comments anymore, not to mention potential rewards.
No attempts to kill the chain needed. It was already done by Steemit/Sun/Tron, some people just didn't realized that yet.

then why your downvoted two of his @glory7 's post in hive

Disagreement on rewards.

Now I have your attention? Good!


My account was added to the censorship list on Steemit site (see condenser updates) when Hive started.
Of course it can be seen via other frontends, though they are way less popular and shutting down, moving to Hive.
It is NOT my intent to harm Steem or milk rewards. Trust me, with my resources I could do much more than you can even imagine.
I've disabled my witness on Steem right away and I'm no longer getting block production rewards.
To get better perspective check inputs/outputs relative to Steem Power. I'm nowhere close to any of you. But that's not the point here.

As a former witness it is my duty to communicate to my voters about what's going on and help them to upgrade to Hive but that is heavily limited by Steemit aggressive propaganda.
You seem to feel good about it, accept it and approve it. It's sad to see how cheap it was to buy you.
That makes it clear what you think about values that Steem was aiming to protect.
This is no longer Steem that we were building.

You chose to stay on a broken Steem, so be it.
You chose to be obedient to Steemit Inc, TRON and Justin S. and be affirmative to their deeds. Your choice.
Good luck with that. At least you have learned about the importance of downvotes in the system ;-)

"This is a classic ideological split: the people who actively want a centralized chain can stay on Steem, the ones that don't will build Hive."

It is all up to you now.

"말을 냇가에 끌고 갈 수는 있어도 억지로 물을 먹일 수는 없다"

"Now I have your attention? Good!" -> That's exactly what I would say.

Trust me, with my resources I could do much more than you can even imagine.

Maybe you are right. But during the past two years of my Steem experience, I don't think I have seen much improvement. Not undermining what you have done - it's just what I and many others feel.

It is NOT my intent to harm Steem or milk rewards.

Then why have you done self comment+voting? How can you explain what you have done?

Your long reply does not say anything about this. And your "supporters" even admit that what you have done is milking.

And speaking of "aggressive propaganda"... I wonder whether you haven't seen what your HIVE buddies have done on Steem (aggressive/abusive comments, spams, etc.)

How can you explain what you have done?

In a way that you can understand that? I doubt it's possible, but lets try:
I boosted visibility as much as it was possible for someone who is censored.
Tips: it was temporary and no rewards was ever extracted.

Your long reply does not say anything about this.

Because apparently you can't even understand what you are reading.

You're worried about a few STEEM holders who are protesting or shit posting to recoup some of their investment in STEEM?

After years of listening to the Korean, Chinese and other communities @spaminator has left STEEM. One argument that has been made over and over - centralized downvoting should not be allowed to stop comment farming and shit posting to recoup or grow investments.

@virus707 who is a member of witness supported and upvoted a number of farms a few years ago. They may still. I don't actively hunt farms anymore.

You should be more worried about what you don't see. The last post from @steemitblog promises to streamline on-boarding and bring millions of users to STEEM.

$1/mo will rent a VPN that can control a massive number of accounts. About 6500 accounts with 15SP will get you almost $5 a day right now I think.

Steemit will focus on improving our product to compete with Reddit

A decentralized reddit?

The new trending?

Not hard to see massive farms hiding under all that whether it is accounts using the STEEM faucet or those that buy into STEEM. It's still bad for the community in the long run IMO.

You're worried about a few STEEM holders who are protesting or shit posting to recoup some of their investment in STEEM?

You're an astute personality on here, Patrice and I've always respected you. Please don't support such behaviour. The fact that he went way back to his old posts to spam is a clear indication that he didn't want people to find out.

@gtg, this is such a bad example. Just because you're leaving a chain doesn't mean you should spam it. You know you could just as easily remain on here as well.

Really? Spam? Didn't want people to find out?
Have you checked by yourself what of this is true?
Have you read my comments on this?
Can you tell exactly what are those rewards that were allegedly milked?

Getting that @steemit upvote, much better.

Downvoted for disagreement on rewards. Full up/downvoting with @steemit stake is just laughable, I never thought I would see Steemit, Inc.'s stake pledged for development into a rewards-pool-destroying propaganda machine.

That said, hard-forking the chain was not something most people wanted to happen. It became obvious that negotiations between diametrically opposed parties would be difficult to impossible. Part of what led to the split being inevitable is demanding that downvotes be removed from STEEM. If you want that, (which I'm not sure you do) get ready to see much, MUCH worse "milking" than 4 STU comments. The whole platform will just degrade into milking, plaigirism and spam. In fact, it's already happening now that Spaminator and other blacklists are being turned off.

Remember that people have spent years building on Steem and they are not unreservedly happy about the turn of events. Many are still processing what Justin has and is turning Steem into and aren't ready to let go of being on both chains. There will also be old users coming back from hiatus and not having heard about anything. It's only fair that they get a chance to know about another option they can use. In short, expect to hear a lot about Hive on Steem (potentially forever) but definitely for the next 12 weeks while powerdowns hit.

Also, with a lot of the talk about "angry/rude/spam behavior of Hive users" remember it's always a small minority that has the biggest mouth. Most people are fine with just moving on but there's nothing wrong with a continuing discussion, either.

Most don't have a clue or don't care. It's easier now than ever to get 'seed' capital to start farming from dapps and projects that upvote anything or anyone. A few thousand accounts, some nickel and dime upvotes, and you have the beginnings of the next @dart utilizing 20% - 30% of daily transactions.

Steemit Incs promise to streamline and onboard 15 million new users quickly throws up some red flags for me. I checked today and they still allow phone verification from google voice numbers. While not significant by itself, there are services that provide temporary virtual numbers by the thousands cheap.

The current block log file is about 250GB? This type of farming has a cost beyond the reward pool drain. At one time @dart was responsible for more than 25% of the votes daily on steemit. These groups ran their own automated bots for posting & voting. They have the skills to pretty much spam unchecked without removing the incentive to do so.

I wonder where @dart is now, and if he's heard Spaminator lost its delegation? Steem might not have the longest chain but it still could claim to have the biggest.

Wouldn't be hard to create another 30,000+ accounts. 🤑

When someone invests in Steem, then the HIVE chain is created - certain investors who have a different opinion do not get the HIVE Coin - Who guarantees the security on the HIVE chain if they have not given me and many HIVE coin?

gtg is such a good guy he is developing hive and at the same time helping steem. He's only helping you understand why downvotes are needed or did you forgot that removing downvotes is one of the changes lord justin wants to implement? 😵

So, we're okay that a top witness on hive is doing this, just to prove a point?
That's hypocrisy

Not necessarily. I guess he has a reason to do it but I'm not endorsing it. I just found it funny people strongly agains downvotes... downvoting like crazy.

It clear as day. He did what he did and lied about it. but all the data are there.
Ignoring the elephant in the room, are we?

Sorry I'm not aware of the whole thing. Who lied about what?

Take a look at this. Head back 2 days ago and you'll find that he's unvoting and deleting a lot of comments.

Really?! I expected something new and juicy revelations about the "lies"
Read @gtg 's comment 2 days ago. It's all there. Take care

This is to be expected as they just want to burn down Steemit including those community members who want to stay in the platform. They waste their time and effort to troll and spam. No worries I know Justin, the new developers of steem and new witnesses will be stepping up and will counter these shameless acts of bigotry, hatred, and racism.

What they are doing now is exactly why Steem for the past few years, has remained stagnant and never got the mainstream adoption that it should have done years ago. Their arrogance and sense of entitlement just make me puke.

I was actually happy that a real big investor was interested in steem but what did these geniuses do? Lock up his stake and are not willing to give any concessions not unless they are guaranteed control of the platform. So what is the end result losing Steem blockchain to Justin Sun. They did not even last a month fighting for Steem.

They are talking about decentralization and being censorship-resistant but most of us low powered steemians are afraid of being downvoted by whales that act like kings of the platform? Now they are cry babies because they get a dose of their own medicine. They are after all just spamming the Steemit network. When they were doing it they say they are just protecting the high-quality content of steem and now its censorship the Hypocrisy is just outstanding!

Now steemit users are being targeted just because they don't agree them or they keep on using steemit.

So why are they acting that way because someone stopped their whale circle-jerking party and they want to rape the rewards pool as much as they could.

I still don't understand why they stick around and try to destroy STEEM while milking rewards.

If they hate STEEM so much, why don't they simply focus on building HIVE, which is their "heaven"?

Hope to see you around. Thank you for the reply!


I feel that his unpleasant actions here in Steem is counterproductive to what Hive means for him. If he is trying to prove that Hive is what Steem should be / should have been then he should put his time & effort in developing Hive and let time to tell whether Hive is right or Steem is wrong.

I do hope that the new devs & witnesses should act asap before this get serious... and put steem & the community in trouble.

I agree with this. Actions should be taken soon.

It is ridiculous seeing gandalf spamming steemit. I just believe if we want to be on one chain, then let's develop the chain and if we are going to stay on both chains then we should not spam one for another.

Fear of being hunted because of no power, is one fear with the witness has put into people.

I wish him the best. But he doesn't have to spam to earn rewards. You could chat him up to know why he is do this.

Oh trust me, I'm not. Those few comments are not longer there. With current Resource Credits I'm able to perform over 2000000 operations right now.

But you get the idea. People should ask what's happening and why.
It's not that hard to understand :-)