Blender 3D - Low Poly Bedroom

I’m really loving Blender. As my first tool to ever use for art, it’s amazing the things an amateur like me can create.

If you read any of my previous blender posts that you will know I am also not an artist. In fact, using Blender is the first type of art that I have ever tried. And I am hooked. All my leisure time is spent doing art on blender.

I am working on several small pieces, such as this one I just completed. Along with a much bigger project that is part of a course.

I spent about 4 hours on this low poly bedroom. The video tutorial I followed was only 15 minutes long. Hehe I think I need to speed up a bit. I learned about the array modifier, which I used to make the flooring. I also got good practice with extrusions and scales. Another trick I learned in this tutorial is separating mesh so you can apply different transformations and textures.

This first view is a wireframe view

low poly bedroom blender 1.png

This is a solid view

low poly bedroom blender 2.png

After applying some color

low poly bedroom blender 3.png

And the final render

small room.png

If you would like to try recreating this in Blender, then you can follow the tutorial that I followed. It was made by 3DGreenhorn. Do go subscribe to the channel.

If you would like to support my Blender and Art learning Journey, I am willing to mint some of my work and sell you the NFT.

Obviously, I still have a lot to learn and this was a great tutorial for beginners like me. What would you give this out of ten and why? Comment below


Very nice modeling, and that render looks great! Did you use Cycles or Eevee?