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RE: [공지] @proxy.token 증인 투표 운영 방침(@proxy.token witness voting policy)

SP 파워다운 기간을 3일~7일로 단축할 의향이 있는가? (Are you willing to shorten the SP power-down period to three to seven days from current period? )

I am open to discussions to lower it further (mind you the powerdown had changed from 2 years to 13 weeks) however I want to prevent too much "fast food voting" where investors come & go and just move to steem for some botvoting for a week and move out again. I'd consider that raping the reward pool and destructive to the community.

스팀 블록체인의 다운보팅을 제거할 의향이 있는가? (Are you willing to remove down-voting policy of STEEM blockchain? )

If used for its intended reasons it is a great way to curate or anti-curate content. If abused it is an annoyance. Removing down-voting alltogether might fix a lot of drama's :)

스팀 블록체인에 스마트 컨트랙트를 도입할 의향이 있는가? (Are you willing to introduce smart contact into the STEEM block chain? )

I am not certain the Steem chain is really optimized for executing smart contracts. Curious what you are thinking of and/or missing specifically.

유료 구독 모델을 도입할 의향이 있는가? (Are you willing to introduce a paid subscription model?)

Again, I'm curious to learn more about this. If it's about unlocking encrypted content only to those paying... Interesting and could be a nice business model!

With regards,
루 란 피 드림