BROpairs™ are Here! Trade-In Your BROcards™ for Free Entry into the 10 STEEM Guaranteed Daily Rebuy Tournament



Collecting BROcards™, which can be won in daily Freerolls, allows you to gain many perks on, including trading in pairs for a DRT Ticket that will give you Free entry into our 10 STEEM Guaranteed Daily Rebuy Tournament!

If you don't have a DRT Ticket you can still buy-in for 0.50 Chips from your account balance. This tournament has 3 Rebuy opportunities giving 3500 additional Tournament Chips up until the first break at 50 minutes. Just before the break you can get an Addon for 0.50 Chips from your account balance and receive 7000 more Chips increasing your chances of winning!

Rebuy Tournaments are all about strategy and managing your bankroll properly. As the #1 Free Educational Poker Site in the universe is here to help you not only learn how to play poker, but how to play better poker even if you're an experienced player.

Some of our players are even semi-professional on the poker circuit and/or online and they can help you every step of the way to become a better poker player and win Free STEEM!

See you at the tables!

So join in the fun and fellow Steemians at and sign up today and play absolutely Free! There are no deposits allowed so you can win STEEM with no risks, then withdraw it directly to your Steem account at any time using our Cashier.


Table skin by @inthenow Graphics


According to the Bible, Bro. Eli Soriano: The Marks and Proofs of a Blessed Reader

Watch the Video below to know the Answer...

(Sorry for sending this comment. We are not looking for our self profit, our intentions is to preach the words of God in any means possible.)

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"But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs."

"So play at for fun and STEEM and save your soul, for deposits are not allowed and you can never lose!" - BROviticus 4:20